Team UK & Ireland - May 2011



  • Mairgheal
    Mairgheal Posts: 385 Member
    I'm not giving up anything, moderation is my key word - even though I can't always stick to it. Tomorrow is my best mate's 40th, so there's definitely drinks and cake to be had. Just hope I won't go overboard, now that I'm back on track again.

    Weighed myself this morning and as expected I have put on weight (I refuse to log it though!). So now it's 2 kilos away from my target weight. Surely I can do that before the end of this month?!

    Congrats on your engagement Laika! Where in Ireland are you? I'm in Dublin
  • Lindsayrob
    Lindsayrob Posts: 247 Member
    Hi Team UK
    I joined MFP this week and am really excited about finally losiing weight!
    I've cut out alcohol since I started - I need those cals for food! - and would like to keep that up at least until I go on holiday to Wales at the end of this month. I'd also really like to lose 7lb by then, but any loss is a move in the right direction!
    I'm also on week 3 of C25K, and I'm starting to find it tough - I'd love to be able to keep that up, which would have me running for 25 mins by the time I go away, and I will be able to go for morning runs along the river!
    My final goal is the most important - I'm supporting my teenage daughter in her bid to eat sensibly, and I'd like that to be a habit by the end of the month for both of us.
    Feel free to add me as a friend, especially if we share goals. It would be great to share successes and struggles!
    Good luck with your aims everyone
    Lindsay :flowerforyou:
  • lrns88
    lrns88 Posts: 151 Member
    Hi from guildford!!!

    Trying to pass yourself off as a newbie KP?!? xx
  • mandyw30
    mandyw30 Posts: 73 Member
    Hi all,
    another who is new to the boards, though have been using MFP for a little while. I'm 29 and from Gloucestershire. Would love to find some friends on here for support and advice.
    Also another who needs to loose the weight put on over Easter and Bank hols!!
    Got on the Wii yesterday and it told me I'd put on 4lbs!! :cry:
    I started off ok using MFP and lost 9lbs, so that obviously is reduced to 5lbs. Would be nice to hit the next stone bracket by end of May which means loosing 12lbs.
    Been ok this week. Back to the gym and eating sensibly. Though yesterday was a bit of a struggle because I felt really hungry all day!
    Working nights tonight and tomorrow so trying to think of something healthy I can take to munch on.
  • marielw
    marielw Posts: 126 Member
    Hi, Can I join please? I'm from Hampshire, UK.
    I've had quite a few 'off'' days in April and beginning of May due to weekends away and Bank Holidays. My main goal for May is to drop below the 168lbs (12stones) mark. I would be so happy to be able to do that this month. My weight has gone up and down between 169 and 172 for the past 2-3 weeks.
    I'm also going to try calorie zig-zagging for May to see if that makes a difference in my weight loss. On average over the year that i have been doing this i have lost 3.25lbs a month. I would like to increase that a bit now.
    I'm also going to try and drink more water - i sometimes just forget to drink! - especially if we are out for the day, which makes for raging headaches and no weight loss.
    Good luck to you all:smile:
  • annrum
    annrum Posts: 144
    Hi, I'd love to join Team UK (England) too!

    My mini-goals for May are to lose at least 5lbs, drink less diet coke & increase my exercise - I definitely don't do enough at the moment, which is partly due to being away during the week and then lacking motivation at the weekend!.

    Feel free to add me as a friend as well, the more support the better!

  • linscave
    linscave Posts: 59 Member
    Hi Team uk and Ireland.
    can I jump in your boat too! I'm in west midlands at present but hail from down south!

    I have been using MFP since jan off and on but I am now making a concerted effort to log in daily.I am just trying to lose half a stone and get fitter. I really want to complete a 10k race later this year.

    it is lovely to see lots of friendly faces from dear old blighty! (does blighty include ireland? dont want to be discriminatory, when i am looking for new freinds!:wink: )

  • nikkionamission

    Just had a healthy breakfast (I even weighed my cereal would you believe), so onwards and upwards from now on again. I WILL reach my target this month. There.

    I pretty much always weigh my cereal because even when I think I've got it sorted and test myself I still give myself too much. Or maybe I should just get smaller bowls - what they think is a portion only just covers the bottom of my bowl!

    Yeah I couldn't believe how small the portion of cereal actually is, before I started weighing it I was definitely having at least 2 portions!
  • lesley1981
    lesley1981 Posts: 329 Member
    Afternoon all!! And happy May :happy:

    My goal for this month is to get back on the wagon, and stay on it! And also to get my bf on the wagon with me!

    So far so good :laugh:

    We moved into the new house last Friday, and because of a lack of time over the weekend we got take away on both Friday and Saturday! We were that busy on Sunday I can't even remember what I ate lol!!

    Monday saw the start of our new healhty eating regime.

    The bf was suffering a rather sore back, so I took him to the chiropractor/orthopaedic person on Tuesday night.... I did a little dance when he was told to lose weight and exercise more. I've been preaching to him for MONTHS, but that finally gave him the kick he needed! God love him though looking at his lunchbox with only two sandwiches in it.
  • TheGooby
    TheGooby Posts: 22
    Hi guys!

    Good to hear some banter from the UK!
    Is it just me or are people from the UK on a completely different wavelength to those in the US?
    I read other chats and think 'Oh god I'm not taking this seriously enough'
    I do my 20 min bike ride and feel pretty chuffed with myself but then read other people seem to be seriously working out for hours!!
    Don't get me wrong I'm serious about losing the weight and I can see how addictive this can become, but just good to read some nice 'down to earth' banter and also not read about low cal snacks that sound delicious but we can't get hold of!!
    Am loving how everyone supports each other on here from all over the world :)
    My short term goal is to get down to 10 stone for holiday with my skinny daughter at half term b ut long term to try and reach 9 stone again. Profile pic is the 'old me' and my inspiration!
    Oh and another goal is to survive a 5 day working week after all these holidays!

    Good luck everyone with your goals. :drinker:
  • lauz45
    lauz45 Posts: 243
    Hi everyone, i'd like to join in :) i'm from Portsmouth (ish), Hampshire.

    My goal for this month is to finally get back under 10 stone, haven't managed that for a couple of years! I feel really 'in the zone' now so i'm hopeful that I can do it! Want to reach my goal weight by my holiday, august 15th. Inital goal is 9 stone, which is the lightest i've ever been as an adult, but I might want to go a bit under that as I remember I didn't feel 100% confident even at that weight. I think toning is a big factor though!

    As of today i'm 10 st 3.75 lbs, just can't ever get under 10st 2lb because I don't stick to anything long enough, but I will do it this year!
    I'd love to have my first holiday ever feeling confident in a bikini, especially as i'm going with my teeny skinny friend!

    Good luck everyone with your goals :)
  • joliejolie123456
    hello from south yorkshire!

    i'm only 1 pound off my goal weight but i want to tone up and spend more time at the gym, i also want to get back in to weight training.

    feel free to add me :)
  • Laika3
    Laika3 Posts: 37 Member
    Congrats on your engagement Laika! Where in Ireland are you? I'm in Dublin

    Hey, ah thanks! I'm up in Belfast :)

    Had a bit of a bad weekend with food but shall start afresh tomorrow with it being Monday an all! lol x
  • cesctheman
    cesctheman Posts: 139 Member
    Hi hows everyone doing?
    I survived my 1st weekend with replacing beer with barcardi breezers, so i could count all my calories and still stay under.I lost 2.4 pound this weekend, but my real challenge comes next weekend when im going to football(Arsenal) and i normally have a beer there.
    staying positive to surving next Sunday.
    Hope your all doing well and keeping up the good work....
  • mandyw30
    mandyw30 Posts: 73 Member
    Doing OK here.
    Weighed in today at the gym and had lost a pound. Not much as I missed the bank holiday weigh ins so 3 weeks worth but I'm pleased as the Wii was telling me I'd put on lbs over the bank hols so I have lost that plus an extra pound!
    Nice to keep loosing as it keeps you motivated!
    Have my gym review on Wednesday so am hoping for some inches and % body fat loss to.
    Have 8lbs to loose now to get into next stone bracket so would like to get there by end of May!
    Keep going everybody!! :smile:
  • kenuk1
    kenuk1 Posts: 64 Member
    Hey hows everyone, any of you lot from Co. Durham?
  • Fattack
    Fattack Posts: 666 Member
    Hey all

    I'm from Lancashire (near Blackburn)- add me if you're a local! My May challenge is to burn 15000 calories and to get to less than 139lbs (I'm currently at 143.6) - it'll be the lowest weight I've seen in about 8 years!
  • Billie1188
    Billie1188 Posts: 11
  • Annerea
    Annerea Posts: 104
    Congrats on your engagement Laika! Where in Ireland are you? I'm in Dublin

    Hey, ah thanks! I'm up in Belfast :)

    Had a bit of a bad weekend with food but shall start afresh tomorrow with it being Monday an all! lol x

    Laika - me too!! (The Belfast thing and the bad weekend lol!!)
  • lesley1981
    lesley1981 Posts: 329 Member
    Hello all :smile:

    I've been a little bit absent of late... for a number of reasons! I've still been logging (or at least trying my best to) so it's not so bad!

    Got moved into the new house, and really well settled :smile: even the whole cooking for myself thing is going pretty well! Kris is really enjoying his new healthy diet, and rather than spending the evenings watching nonsense on tv, we've been quite active (and competitive) and have been playing on the Kinect... the Michael Jackson game is AMAZING!

    Our new scales arrived yesterday, and the reading is about 3lb of a difference to the ones at my mums, so I've inputted my new (heavier) weight :grumble: :tongue:

    Anyways, I hope everyone is well :smile: