Newbie here!

LillithRose Posts: 3
edited September 27 in Introduce Yourself
Hiya! I'm new.

I am anxious to see if this works for me as I am a big lover of naughty foods like cake and pizza!

I am currently 11stone 13 and want to get down to 9stone. Today is day 2, and I am finding it a little hard, but I am pushing on through!

Look forward to talking with you all!


  • Hi there,

    Am on day 2 aswell and also want to lose about 3 stone. Best of luck to you loosing the weight:smile: I also love cakes haha
  • vic_tye
    vic_tye Posts: 26
    Hi LillethRose

    You'll do well here, everyone is great with advice and encouragement. Especially on those bad days - Feel free to add me if you like

    all the best :-)
  • Welcome. I have only been here a couple of weeks but have found the site really useful. I know that by logging my food diary i am more aware of what i am eating!! I weigh in tomorrow for the first time so will see if it has helped. I am definitely feeling more motivated than ever before and as i need to lose 66lbs i hope with the help of mfp friends it will continue.
  • chonty1982
    chonty1982 Posts: 1
    Hey, this is my second day too!! Yesterday i got a warning beacuse it says i dont eat enough, but i stuggled to get even close to my cal goal! I'm thinking this may be my trouble, dont eat nearly enough during the week and then go mental at the weekends with lots of wine etc!!

    Good luck people!
  • Youre a pizza lover like myself then! Good luck to you! x
  • nesstaylor
    nesstaylor Posts: 7
    I am a newbie too! On my third day now.

    Good luck, hopefully in a couple of months we can all celebrate meeting our goals!

    I have the same problem re the not eating enough. i always thought i ate too much but it must be the drink!

    My weakness is beer & pizza followed by cake!!! :)
  • seawitch7
    seawitch7 Posts: 4
    hello all!
    I just joined last week and finding it great...needed to address the fact that my love of wine is the root of my weight issue!...feel free to add me x
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