Pain in foot/ankle

Hi everyone. I overdid it with exercise about a week and a half ago. My ankle was swollen for a few days and I had shooting pains going up my leg. My trainers told me to rest, so I did for a day. Then did just weights. Very little cardio for a week. Now the pain has moved to the top of my foot. It's a sharp pain. It feels good when I stretch it and mostly hurts when I stand. I've tried different shoes, and again I am resting from cardio. Any thoughts on what it could be and how to speed up the healing process? I really don't want to be away from the gym for too long.


  • cheshirecatastrophe
    cheshirecatastrophe Posts: 1,395 Member
    It's been more than a week? And the pain has morphed? See a doctor.
  • WickedPineapple
    WickedPineapple Posts: 698 Member
    ^ Agreed. See a doctor.
  • _Waffle_
    _Waffle_ Posts: 13,049 Member
    edited February 2015
    It's been more than a week? And the pain has morphed? See a doctor.

    Agreed. I did something to make one of mine sore a couple weeks ago. It was never swollen and it's getting better and better each day. The pain (soreness really) was always centered right at the ankle too. I would have been concerned if it would have affected my entire leg.

    Icing is always a good option for recovery.

    I'll preface this with "I'm not a doctor but..." I did injure a foot once from having my laces too tight I believe. Mine was a tendon that was strained and from what I gathered was a common issue. It went away after about a week and a half. Again, I never had any swelling with this. Just be careful. You could have a stress fracture. See a doctor if it doesn't get better soon. Keep resting it.
  • katrinakoenig
    Thanks, everyone.
  • trubz118
    Any shooting pain is definetly a sign of a irritated nerve, ususally when going up the leg Like that it is mostly the ciatic nerve in the hip underneath the glute/butt muscle. This is one of our most active muscle when working out, standing and sitting... A good stretch or sports massage usually helps but you have to keep it consistent, even try a foam roller to roll out the glutes/butt muscle. I hope this helps, and I always agree with (see your doctor)
  • katrinakoenig
    Thank you!
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    If you can see a sports medicine doctor, that's what I'd recommend.
  • KFNicole
    And do t forget there is still a workout without using your foot (I've seen spent three weeks of the year in a cast and still struggling to weightbare on my foot after breaking it, but have still been at the gym working out 10-14hours a week) x
  • katrinakoenig
    KFNicole wrote: »
    And do t forget there is still a workout without using your foot (I've seen spent three weeks of the year in a cast and still struggling to weightbare on my foot after breaking it, but have still been at the gym working out 10-14hours a week) x
    Thank you for saying that. I want to keep working out. What do you do at the gym? Please share!
  • cheshirecatastrophe
    cheshirecatastrophe Posts: 1,395 Member
    Please don't workout without talking to a doctor. You don't want to make it worse.

    Stuff like exercise bike or pool running are considered "non weight bearing," but depending on the injury, they can make it worse or cause new ones as your body compensates to protect the injured part.
  • katrinakoenig
    Thanks. I went to the doctor the same day I posted this originally. He said no exercise until it stopped hurting. I asked if I could do upper body and he said to rest altogether for a couple of days. I did that and now I really want to start doing something again. A friend who is a nurse and trainer suggested I do floor work (mostly lying down on a mat) and upper body at the gym. I can't do squats or even bridge lifts so I am just looking for suggestions for something that won't put any strain on my ankle/foot until it is completely healed. Thanks for your comments!
  • cheshirecatastrophe
    cheshirecatastrophe Posts: 1,395 Member
    edited February 2015
    Yeah, I know how it goes. I'm a currently-injured runner. :s I just don't want you to make it worse and then have *longer* before you can get back to the types of workouts you love.

    If I were you, though, I would totally be on my doctor's case about whether I could swim or pool run/when I could start.

    P.S. You are awesome for actually going to the doctor about it, you know that? Mad props.
  • katrinakoenig
    Thanks, cheshirecat! :smiley: I want to get back in full swing so I know I have to let it get better so that I can.
  • goldthistime
    goldthistime Posts: 3,214 Member
    Not sure if either will work for you, but I can row and cycle with my sore foot. And strength train.
  • katrinakoenig
    ok thanks!
  • Rest longer than a day. Rest is what speeds up the healing process. Rest is not the same as immobilizing.
  • katrinakoenig
    Thanks, Molasses. I have been resting a full day or two here and there. Yesterday I went to the gym and did some cardio for the first time. It hurt a little after but I seem to be ok today. I am going to rest today anyway. Thanks everybody!