Why do we start a diet on a Monday?

Krisp74 Posts: 3 Member
So I joined this site about 7 months ago when I found the app on my iPhone, but have never really used it properly. i saw a report in a paper about a girl who lost about 3 stone using a similar type of app on her phone, or it could have even been this app.

Meetings and weekly weigh in's do not work for me, sitting around patting people on the back when they have done well is great, but not if you don't achieve some weight lose yourself.

I had gallstones 5 years ago and that is when I managed to lose my weight as I couldn't eat anything or I would get pain, that is the only time I had ever managed to lose weight so pretty disappointing for me that i have now put that weight back on as I did really well to keep it off!

Have been with my Boyfriend now for 20 months and in the first 10 months of us being together that is when I put on the 14lbs that i need to lose, but the only diet I have ever been very good at is 'see food and eat it'.

I want to lose at least 14lbs, would be nice to lose 21lbs, but will be very happy with the 14.

I have the slowest metabolism going and hate sweaty exercise, but know I need to do it. I enjoy sports, but find the gym sometimes just too much. Swimming and walking (Moonwalk this weekend and it is my 6th one!, so 26.2 miles is not to be sneezed at!)

So help by the droves people, and this won't be onesided.

Hope to hear from you, let's make another success story!


  • rmsrws
    rmsrws Posts: 639 Member
    Let me introduce my metabolism to you, I am sure they would get along great together. I have found MFP to a very valuable tool for my smart phone. It has become my new best friend. Weight loss is not easy, if it was we wouldn't have such an obese population. Just start out making small changes, and small goals, once you acheived them. Raise the bar a little higher each time. And this all takes time. I can go 2-3 weeks with out dropping any weight, and that is very frustrating. Then when I least expect it I drop 3-4 lbs. I have to keep telling myself " I eat to live, not live to eat". I do alot of walking, when I have down time at work, I am walking. I figure if my body is moving, it has to be doing some good, even if the scales aren't showing it! As for your question why do we start dieting on Mondays? I think it is because it signifies the week end is over, and Monday represents a new week and 5 days before the next week end, so we can prepare ourselves for the next week and if needed, try to make up for anything we didn't follow during the week end during the typical work week. My husband always choses Monday to start something, and Monday can be 6 days away yet, I tell him if your serious about it, you would just do it now. Why procrastinate! But that is my husband and if you knew him you'd understand why I say that! Have an awesome day!
  • Krisp74
    Krisp74 Posts: 3 Member
    Thank you for your message, it made a lot of sense regarding taking things slowly and valid reasons for sticking to my goals and not losing sight as I may not see the change immediate but with time. I will keep reminding myself of that and hopefully see a sign of weight loss that then motivates me through the next period.

    Good luck with your weight loss programme.
  • darkhorse43
    darkhorse43 Posts: 70 Member
    I totally relate to the boyfriend 14 pounds. I'm here to lose the boyfriend 12 myself. I've found it really hard to balance my food needs with his over the 2 1/2 years we've been together. It doesn't help that he's 6'4" with an active job and I'm 5'5" and sit at a computer all day. I've been here for 30 days now and it's really helping me stay motivated. We can all do this together.