How to deal with PMS cravings?



  • kendalslimmer
    kendalslimmer Posts: 579 Member
    edited January 2015
    I've tried the Questbars in the past, I love the cookies and cream one, but oh my god is it just a European thing or is the bars super expensive? One bar costs around $10 at the store! We don't have anything else from their range in Sweden either because we are a deprived country of cool stuff pretty much... I'd love to try the chips! D:

    Hi sweetie, I'm in the UK and I order my Quest bars from Amazon - it works out at about £1.80 per bar... So not great, but OK. You could also check eBay prices. Quest bars are fantastic for PMS cravings! I also like fruit - gives me my sugar high, for not too many calories. But really it's a high fibre/protein diet that gets me through that particular week and often, instead of 3 meals a day, I have 6 or 7 smaller ones. I'll munch my way through the day and still stick to my calories that way. Exercise during TOM is awesome - you burn more calories than you normally would AND it suppresses your hunger. Another tip: drink plenty of water (so you're not dehydrated - which can trigger hunger) and have a multivitamin tablet that includes an iron supplement in the mornings. xx
  • countrymom78
    countrymom78 Posts: 3 Member
    I just recently went through that myself. I've been keeping fiber one bars on hand for when I can't take it. Lol I also just found rice crispies treats crackle snaps are only 60 calories a pack and they are yummy!
  • abatonfan
    abatonfan Posts: 1,120 Member
    Surprisingly, I noticed that I have been having a lot fewer PMS cravings since I started getting back into the habit of logging (this round's cravings have been for sweet potatoes and steak-which is perfect, because I'm always low on my potassium and iron goals). One of the things that has helped is to make healthy alternatives easily available for when cravings strike and make accessing the less healthy foods a lot harder. For instance, if I am craving chocolate, I might keep the pre-portioned coco-dusted almonds out on the counter and ready to grab once cravings strike, while I might keep the chocolate squares hidden in an empty lancet box at the very back of my diabetes supply counter. If I really really really want the chocolate instead of the almonds, then I would have to work to get it (of course, being the lazy person I am, the idea of pulling out all my dia-junk to get to the chocolate is unappealing, and I will go with the almonds instead).
  • nancygm28
    nancygm28 Posts: 14 Member
    Okay so I'm really battling with my PMS cravings right now. More than ever before since it's my first month trying to lose weight...
    I really crave things like chocolate (duh), chips and ice-cream. I've basically eaten none of these things all of January but now the cravings are back with a vengeance.

    What are your tips to get through this?
    Any other foods that I can substitute the cravings with? Is there maybe any suppressant foods?
    Thank you for posting these questions. This is totally going to help me too! Keep it up and good luck