How to lose weight at a gym?

I am currently a 5'4" and 125 pound girl with a pretty bad "skinny fat" situation going on (if that's the correct term). Over the past year I've lost track of my eating habits and have adopted a pretty sedentary lifestyle. I have a mesomorph body type and I put on fat pretty easily but I also have quite a bit of muscle mass for someone who doesn't work out at all. My body looks really flabby and out of shape and it's currently the peak of winter so I can't go out and exercise like I usually do so I'm left with the only option to buy a rather expensive gym membership... Does anyone have any tips on what machines, and what to do at the gym to lose weight and get reasonably into shape at a quick pace? I don't really want to put on any more muscle mass but I want to get rid of all of this excess fat. I'm glad that I'm trying to get back into some good habits and would like to get as much of my moneys worth out of my local gym! I'm fairly new to gyms and any tips would be helpful :)


  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    If you have been sedentary for the last year, it's good that you can't get out and exercise "like you usually do."

    To lose weight: Eat fewer calories than you expend.
    To increase fitness: build a cardio base. Do some lifting to preserve what little muscle you have, and build a more functional, and generally better looking body.

    It would be a good idea to get a bodpod bf% test done, or something with similar or better precision. That way you know where you are and can set a coherent set of goals.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    If you have been sedentary for the last year, it's good that you can't get out and exercise "like you usually do."

    To lose weight: Eat fewer calories than you expend.
    To increase fitness: build a cardio base. Do some lifting to preserve what little muscle you have, and build a more functional, and generally better looking body.

    It would be a good idea to get a bodpod bf% test done, or something with similar or better precision. That way you know where you are and can set a coherent set of goals.
  • iwillsucceed0444
    iwillsucceed0444 Posts: 432 Member
    *kitten* the personal trainer...that would give you extra cardio gains...yeah.
  • iwillsucceed0444
    iwillsucceed0444 Posts: 432 Member
    Oh sorry...I messed up there. I mean ask a personal trainer there. He (or she) can recommend machines for cardio and also advise you on a weightlifting routine. You usually get one (or more) free sessions. So I'd definitely try that. Pick their brains. :)
  • Tiolay
    Haha I only say "like i usually do" because I used to go for lots of walks and runs with my friends and ate very clean... I've been going to university for a heavy degree in a place that's very cold. Might as well hit the gym!