Giving up on beer.

So it's true, beer is my downfall. I don't drink during the week, but on the weekends all hell breaks loose. I can undo all of my hard work during the week in just a few hours. Honesty I don't even know why I drink so much on the weekends, maybe I'm bored, maybe I'm depressed. Either way I know I need to cut it out. I've gained 50 lbs in the last year because of it and I was already over weight. Anyone else having this problem friend me I need all the support on this journey I can get!!


  • sheldonklein
    sheldonklein Posts: 854 Member
    1. Gaining a pound a week from beer on weekends would require drinking about 18 beers a weekend. Either you have a serious alcohol problem or beer isn't the only, or even the primary, reason for gaining lots of weight.
    2. If you have a real drinking problem then you should look to quit. If not, you're likely to have better long term success by learning to moderate.
  • Glo116
    Glo116 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Kimberleigh, I do know what you mean hun; I'm the very same except my poison is wine! Lots and lots of red wine at the weekend! but I don't touch it at all during the week. I think it's just habit tbh; at least I hope I don't have a drinking problem!! The other thing I notice that it does is give me a hangover hunger the next day and I crave carbs big time!! I need to lose about 18 lbs atm and am going to try and not have as much this weekend - maybe only 1 day instead of 2!! Good luck with your journey, let me know how its going and maybe we can share some tips? x
  • SunflowerCat74
    SunflowerCat74 Posts: 258 Member
    I completely understand. When I drink I tend to make very poor food choices. I crave carbs and fat the following day and have zero motivation to workout. I have also noticed over the past few months that anything over 2 drinks causes me to sleep like crap...making things even worse. I've limited it to weekends and if I know we're going out and drinks will be involved I'm trying really hard to eat super clean during the day and workout extra beforehand. Maybe you need to cut it down to just one night out per weekend and make alternative beverage choices? Or try drinking two glasses of water before having another beer. Might make you fuller faster and at the very least you won't feel as bad the next day.