Do you pre-log your food and/or exercise?

I've decided to try it. Last night I logged in all of the food I intend to eat today, so I can plan out everything and achieve macro-zen. I left a little wiggle room for unexpected snacks. I hope this takes the guesswork out for me. I didn't pre-log my run for today because I'm not ready to commit to that. Not that I won't go, but I don't yet know for how long.
Has anyone had success with pre-logging? Do you do it regularly? What are pros and cons?
Discuss. :smile:


  • many_splendored
    many_splendored Posts: 113 Member
    Food, yes. Exercise, no - my calorie burn is difference from each time I work out.
  • I pre-log my food and I find it helpful. I usually end up deleting things I don't end up eating (usually snacks). I don't pre-log my excersice.
  • swapyuk
    swapyuk Posts: 57 Member
    I started pre-logging my food because it helps me plan the food i need/want to eat and don't binge around unnecessarily. I do pre-logging randomly so I am following this post from people who do it regularly.
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    edited February 2015
    My morning routine is simple: get up, use the toilet, make a cup of coffee, and sit down on the computer and log my basic food for the day. (Some days I weigh myself while the coffee is brewing). I don't log my evening snacks or any expected exercise calories so there is wiggle room for the spur of the moment craving.
  • yayamom3
    yayamom3 Posts: 939 Member
    I pre-log my breakfast and lunch. That lets me know how many calories I have left for snacks and dinner (which are my two favorite things!). There is one instance where I pre-log exercise. If I'm feeling lazy and trying to talk myself out of exercising, I will sometimes go ahead and log it. That way, it shows up on my wall and all of my MFP friends give me likes and positive comments. Then I HAVE to do it to avoid being a total loser! Lol
  • wolf2000
    wolf2000 Posts: 18 Member
    Many times I will pre-log my meals up until dinner, with 3 kids and all there activities dinner and evening snack are sometime hard to predict and subject to change at the last moment, (ie activitie runs late and we don't feel like cooking late at night so we grab a bite to eat out etc), I pack my breakfast, lunch and snacks from home for at work so those things are easy to pre-log for me. I find it give me a better idea where I am at and gives me time to evaluate my decisions for the day. I do not pre-log my exercises, because sometimes I will end up varying from plan slightly depending on the day, (ie going longer on days that I am feeling really good, or cutting it a little shorter or less intense if I feel like my body really needs a break that day to recuperate, and sometimes I don't know that until I am actually in the middle of the workout.)
  • NathalieFlore
    NathalieFlore Posts: 2 Member
    I too pre-log my food and find that I am much more likely to stay within my allowance. What is left at the end of the day once exercise has been added, I see this as a treat mainly at the weekend. When I do not use the extra calories; I feel very proud of myself and that makes me happy indeed.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    Yes, somewhat. At breakfast I log my breakfast and what I know I'm having for supper, in order to figure out what to have for lunch.
  • Lindsay_the_great
    Lindsay_the_great Posts: 209 Member
    yayamom3 wrote: »
    There is one instance where I pre-log exercise. If I'm feeling lazy and trying to talk myself out of exercising, I will sometimes go ahead and log it. That way, it shows up on my wall and all of my MFP friends give me likes and positive comments. Then I HAVE to do it to avoid being a total loser! Lol
    :smiley: love
  • anarchysbitch
    anarchysbitch Posts: 64 Member
    edited February 2015
    I pre-log all my food for the day the night before so I can figure out the right combo of meals for the day + how many coffees and snacks etc I can have. I always try and stay below the deficit a little. I never ever ever pre-log exercise as i find it satisfying to log it after I workout, it gives me sense of accomplishment lol. Also I never eat any exercise calories back (unless I'm starving) or add steps taken during the day, to me anything other then structured exercise is like having a mystery burn that adds additional weight loss. I have been at this for 24 days and have lost 5.9kg/13.5lbs so far. Definately pre-log food, it keeps you on track.
  • dopeysmelly
    dopeysmelly Posts: 1,390 Member
    I pre-log all my food at least one day in advance, while I'm doing my warm up walking prior to working out. It helps with not only making sure I hit my calorie and macro targets, but also with grocery shopping and speed of preparation, especially in the evening when I'm in a rush.

    I pre-log my next weights routine between sets while I'm working out, and have a general cardio routine in my head over the week, but don't pre-log that. I use a vivofit/Garmin Connect to log exercise, so that would be tricky in any case.
  • sarahlifts
    sarahlifts Posts: 610 Member
    I pre log my entire day, either morning of or night before. When I first began I logged as I ate....and yeah, nope that wasn't cutting it. looking fwd to what I will be eating for the day keeps me on track.
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    I pre-log my food in the morning because it helps me make better choices. I do not pre-log exercise until I do it. I think I get a lot of satisfaction in logging right after a workout.
  • tincanonastring
    tincanonastring Posts: 3,944 Member
    I pre-log my food the night before or the morning of, but never exercise. Psychologically, I think it makes me feel like I've already achieved the exercise burn and I lose my motivation to actually do it.
  • mistikal13
    mistikal13 Posts: 1,457 Member
    I pre-log my meals and find that it helps with those hectic days that I don't have time to think about what to eat. Never pre-log my workouts though. I just never know how hard I'll go at it/what mood I'll be in from day to day.
    GPHX_GEEK Posts: 32 Member
    I do! Not the day before but usually after I've logged my breakfast, I go ahead and pre-log the rest of my food & exercise for the day. Of course it's not always possible but I do like taking out the guesswork before dinner because I tend to crave everything in the evening so if I've already logged what I'm going to eat, I don't over-indulge. Or at least I know if I can or can't add desert :)
  • JM1481
    JM1481 Posts: 88 Member
    My food, not my exercise.
  • lborsato1
    lborsato1 Posts: 1,011 Member
    Usually my food - lunches especially because I make them the night before.
  • debrakgoogins
    debrakgoogins Posts: 2,033 Member
    I pre-log food and exercise, sometimes up to a few days. This helps me in a few ways. First, I know what to pack in my lunchbox which is key for me. I eat crap if I don't bring good food. Second, I can check my macros and make adjustments to my meals ahead of time if my day looks off. And last, I know that if I really want to eat what I planned for, I have to get my butt to the gym.
  • Mrsallen6_11
    Mrsallen6_11 Posts: 416 Member
    I pre-log my food and exercise each day just so I'll feel accountable for it. I have it in my schedule, I've already logged it, so if I don't do it or decide to "skip it" I'll feel bad or like I'm cheating myself.