Starting again and wondering about (DUN DUN DUUUNNN!)... treats?


So, I've been thinking about getting back into this again properly, I'm halfway to my goal and it's about time I got my bum in gear and did the rest!

How often do you guys allow yourself a treat? Or do any of you have more relaxed days? I think my downfall is that I get too strict with myself and eventually I end up just binge eating everything in sight. Determined not to do this again!

Thanks! :) x


  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    If you log and use a food scale you can have a "TREAT" every single day. Just make it fit with calories and/or macros.
  • blissful_ignorance_x
    Thanks! My treats are always crisps (don't have much of a sweet tooth), but totally trying to cut them down! I was wondering if sometimes anyone maybe goes over their daily allowance once in a blue moon (say you're invited out to dinner with friends). I'm thinking so long as I don't go crazy it would be ok?
  • suky7
    suky7 Posts: 13 Member
    I pre-log my food and exercise (when i know I'm going) and then know what i have to play around with. i do have a mini chocolate or snack-a-jack daily to get my sweet fix with a coffee but did find when i was too strict, i tended to blow it on a down day! This isn't about dieting or cutting things out, its about life changes
  • goldthistime
    goldthistime Posts: 3,214 Member
    I hear the 90/10 rule applied frequently, and occasionally 80/20. So your calorie goal factors in as does nutrient density of the rest of the food you have been eating. If your calorie goal is 1600 for instance, you could potentially have a 160 calorie treat every day, or even a 320 treat if the rest of the day has already been packed with nutrients.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    Thanks! My treats are always crisps (don't have much of a sweet tooth), but totally trying to cut them down! I was wondering if sometimes anyone maybe goes over their daily allowance once in a blue moon (say you're invited out to dinner with friends). I'm thinking so long as I don't go crazy it would be ok?

    Daily intake matter but overall is how you manage weight. Also depend on what you set MFP pounds per week too going over can still be losing weight. Overall is to burn more calories then you eat.
  • yayamom3
    yayamom3 Posts: 939 Member
    I have an afternoon snack and ice cream (I buy $1 single serve portions) in the evening almost every single day. I just work them into my calorie goal. Having them to look forward to really makes it easier for me to stay on track and not feel like I'm depriving myself.

    I often (but not always) have one cheat meal (although I don't really like that name) on the weekend, which includes dessert. When I do, I do not eat breakfast and only have something very light for my other meal (such as yogurt or cottage cheese).
  • prettygirlstorm1
    prettygirlstorm1 Posts: 722 Member
    I love treats and I make sure I have one everyday, I just fit it into my daily calories. I have that problem too if I restrict something then I end up overeating. We all have those days when we go over our calories. I just work out a little harder or do better the next day. Good luck!!
  • katrinakoenig
    If what you crave is salty food as "treats," then you might research a little about what your body is lacking. Cravings are generally a lack of some nutrient/vitamin. Also, if you want to eat chips (crisps) every day, then make those your carbs and cut back on others like bread, pasta, cereal. Crisps have very little nutritional value and a lot of sodium, so make sure you're getting nutrients from other foods and controlling your sodium intake. There are 100-calories packs of crisps and cookies, which you could easily incorporate into your daily caloric intake and would satiate your craving. My bet is that after a while of eating more healthy you won't even want them anymore.
  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    an event or item that is out of the ordinary and gives great pleasure.

    If you're doing it every day, it's not out of the ordinary, and therefore not a treat. It's just you eating junk food.

    If you want to do IIFYM and eat junk food everyday, more power too you, but I don't think "treat" is the right term in that circumstance.
  • blissful_ignorance_x
    Cool, thanks for the responses guys! I think I may do something similar to you, Yaya, it seems to make sense to me! :)
  • dopeysmelly
    dopeysmelly Posts: 1,390 Member
    I don't look at any food as a "treat" exactly. It's all just food and if it fits my targets, then it's just fine. Food isn't just a fuel to me, it's variety (taste, texture, color etc.) and pleasure. I find that looking at some foods as "treats" could lead to them being labelled as "good" or "bad" which could lead to guilt, when really, they're just food. If you know you really enjoy those crisps/chips then maybe pre-log them and just move on?

    For meals out, as long as it's not too often, I don't bother logging at all. I just focus on eating in moderation, choosing dishes with lean protein and lots of vegetables/interesting salads more often than not and enjoying the company. I tend to skip things like desserts and bread unless I know they're going to be really good and go easy on the alcohol. I did this while I was losing as well, and it didn't stop me from reaching my goals. Every now and then I go too far and eat too much, but that's life isn't it, and I don't beat myself up over it.
  • xShreddx
    xShreddx Posts: 127 Member
    Sweet - frozen grapes or dark chocolate Hershey's kisses
    Salty - salted almonds or maybe popcorn if I can afford the carbs
  • Brimixed
    Brimixed Posts: 186 Member
    If you bite it... write it!

    My 'treats' are pretty planned out. I seriously have no self control. So I am pretty strict about what I can and cannot have. But it works for me. ;)
  • Amanda4change
    Amanda4change Posts: 620 Member
    I eat anything I want as long as it fits into my calories. Occasionally (like Christmas and my anniversary next month) I switch to maintenance calories for the day, I still log everything I eat. I'm not worried about going slightly over which is one of the reasons I think it doesn't happen.
  • errollmaclean
    errollmaclean Posts: 562 Member
    Same as mostly everybody else. I have a treat/desert after dinner every day and get it to fit into my calories and macros/micros. It gives me something to look forward to and helps me stay on track all day. I found that clean eating lead to guilt and a poor relationship with food. Just have to find what works for you :)
  • NikkyT30
    NikkyT30 Posts: 91 Member
    I agree w everyone. I eat what I want but make sure I incorporate healthy food too. Example instead of pizza my friends I ordered a 6" pita pizza... That way I wasn't left out. Also had a side salad. If I eat fast food .... Which is few and far between I always get a salad instead of french fries. Plus learning what a serving actually is helps. Instead of a can of Pringles I can now eat 15 and quit. It gives me what I want without going overboard. I always stay within my calories and get the joy of "treats". Nothing has to be off limits...just manage how much you eat of it:) good luck to you on this journey:)
  • LoadedM6Tina
    LoadedM6Tina Posts: 63 Member
    I have my food planned out by the weeks. I don't really crave anything unless someone else says, "Ohhhhh doesn't KFC sound good!?" It does! But then I think..."Doesn't a smaller pant size sound better!?" I'm lucky to have friends that don't needle me about what they eat and what I eat. If I'm craving sweets, one no sugar fudgcicle or almond butter toast is good. I don't really crave salt that much and rarely add it to food. What do you consider a 'treat'?
  • LoveLiveLife27
    My cherry yogurt is my treat everyday, but as far as a cheat meal, I have 1 every 1st of the month. It's something to look forward to and I only replace one meal that day, not a cheat day but a cheat meal.
  • LoadedM6Tina
    LoadedM6Tina Posts: 63 Member
    My cherry yogurt is my treat everyday, but as far as a cheat meal, I have 1 every 1st of the month. It's something to look forward to and I only replace one meal that day, not a cheat day but a cheat meal.

    I don't like cheaters :wink: so I have a 'Eat Out' meal. That's what I did tonight. So for the next 7 days, I will eat very healthy. BTW, I love your profile pic! LOL!!!

  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    i eat what i want, when I want and must make sure it fits into my calorie/macro/micro goal for the day….