First day on myfitnesspal

Hoping to tone up, lose a bit of weight and have the body I've wanted for a while! Cutting out chocolate sweets and crips and trying to exercise atleast 5 days a week! Add me would like to share tips and see other peoples progress! X


  • littlebabooshka
    littlebabooshka Posts: 17 Member
    I started on here 1/14/15 with about 40 pounds to lose. Adding you!
  • Wow good luck cutting stuff out, my problem is just eating less. Adding :smile:
  • prettygirlstorm1
    prettygirlstorm1 Posts: 721 Member
    Hi and welcome. I sent you a friend request.
  • Welcome!
  • Sharon_Small
    Sharon_Small Posts: 3 Member
    I've been taking a nutrition class and started this new lifestyle (not a fad diet) three weeks ago and I've already lost 5 lbs! I read about people who live healthy lives to age 100 and beyond (look up Blue Zones articles) and they all eat more plant based diets, fewer calories, get regular exercise in their daily routines rather than doing planned workouts, they have a social support system, they are positive people with a constant purpose for each day and their cultures respect the elderly rather than expecting them to shrivel up. I am determined to put all those factors into play in my life. When I was younger, my job required me to stand, walk and carry things. Since I became a student, I sit in class and behind a computer most of the day so I added a workout 5-6 times a week. I am cognizant of the nutritional content of my foods and am adjusting to lower calories while maintaining my nutrient needs. I've discovered that I am falling short in some nutrients so I'm adjusting my food choices as I go and am taking vitamins. I also take digestive enzymes because I don't have a gallbladder and fats and proteins give me difficulty. I am so happy with my lifestyle change not only because I fit better in my jeans but also because I no longer feel constantly bloated and uncomfortable. Trust me, it may not be easy to be so disciplined but pretty soon it will become a habit that is well worth the initial effort.
  • Thanks everyone :smile:
  • Farmerj2000
    Farmerj2000 Posts: 210 Member
    I was on here a few years ago and had great success. Today is my first day back. I would love to have some new friends to start this new journey
  • Sharon_Small
    Sharon_Small Posts: 3 Member
    By the way Emily, going cold turkey on chocolates isn't really necessary. I ate a cookie yesterday and my protein zone bars that I have for breakfast or as a snack do have tasty chocolate coatings. Think more about awareness of caloric and nutrient intake. I've discovered that it really is about how much and the quality of your intake coupled with your energy output (activity level) that matters. Good luck!
  • SylSar
    SylSar Posts: 5 Member
    This is my third day tracking, I am new to this and I am from Athens, Greece. Here's hoping it works. :\
  • fitwithin
    fitwithin Posts: 210 Member
    Welcome aboard Emily. You are welcome to add me. I love MFP and would be happy to support in any way I can. I have about 30 pounds to go to get to my goal. We can support each other. I will send a friend request. Others are welcome to add me as well.
  • Hi there :-) Welcome aboard!!! I started on here yesterday, so I'm a fellow newbie. How are you doing so far? :D
  • Welcome. How was your first day, how are the cravings?
  • I'm really enjoying the app it's so motivating! Today is a good day so far with my healthy eating haha can't say the same about every other day, I either have a super healthy day or a complete fail day hahah! I've been exercising for a few months in the gym and now I'm making proper changes to my diet starting with trying new healthy foods such as salmon (which I now LOVE) :smiley: trying my hardest to stop smoking as if feel it holds me back in the gym
  • Welcome. How was your first day, how are the cravings?
    Not that bad! I eat unhealthily when I'm at college as I have temptations everywhere! And today is my day off :smiley: