Anyone been on Adipex?

kdrollins Posts: 5 Member
edited September 27 in Health and Weight Loss
I had lost 35 pounds ON MY OWN. It took almost a year to do so just from diet and exercise. About 6 months into it I was stuck. Nothing was working but I kept going and during the next 6 months I only lost about 5 pounds. I went to my doctor about a month ago and he told me I could try Adipex. So I did and lost 6 pound in barely 4 weeks. But then I started having horrible side effects. Diarhea, dizzyness, headaches. So I went back to my doctor and he took me off of it for 2 weeks. Then he put me back on it at a lower dose. 2 weeks later I started having the same issues with dizzyness, etc. I stopped taking the pills this weekend and now feel like I am having withdrawl symptoms. I feel super anxious and now that I am off of them i can't believe how much they actually helped control my hunger. While being on the pill is NOT WORTH the side effects I have been having, it sucks that the pill was working and i can't tolerate it. Has anyone else been on this pill and had these issues?


  • cloud92222
    cloud92222 Posts: 19
    Two of the girls I work with have both been on this pill. They both had to stop because of the side effects. It worked really well for them but they were in the same boat. It made them both extremely short tempered as well and they were driving us all crazy ;)
  • aunt_hbomb
    aunt_hbomb Posts: 204
    My doctor won't prescribe things like that for me. He makes me do it the old fashion way with exercise and hunger.
  • falonjohle
    falonjohle Posts: 62 Member
    I have been on it several times. It is a quick fix and is not a long term thing. You lose weight so fast and when you stop taking it... you gain it back.. plus some.. The side effects are pretty crazy! I would stay up for days on end and lets not even mention how mean i was....
  • RachelH0709
    RachelH0709 Posts: 3 Member
    I was on adipex for almost 2 years. I dropped about 45 lbs in the first year then took it sparingly just to stay at my current weight. I never had those types of side effects at all. I would get extremely bad dry mouth, insomnia, and some mood swings. I noticed that when I did take the pill, I would get a small energy boost almost like an upper. I do know that headaches are a known side effect of the pill, although I did not experience any. I was on 37.5 mg and was taking 1 pill each morning. What dosage did your Dr. have you on?
  • emmascott
    emmascott Posts: 249
    This dieting lark is such hard work isn't it? I think at some point, most of us here have tried pills and faddy diets. I know in the past I must have started 40+ fad diets.

    I know that you know the only way really is with healthy food & exercise but it is such really really hard work.

    Losing 35lb is amazing! Maybe you just need to shake up what you're eating a bit? Want to friend me? We can check each others diaries for inspiration.

    Somehow, Ive finally managed to stop beating myself up when I slip up (ive only just this second written about this on my wall), it's hard hard work, but we can and will eventually get there.

    I think you are doing just fantastic.

  • monkeydoodle
    monkeydoodle Posts: 44 Member
    I was on it a couple of years ago for about three months. I had the WORST :embarassed: bad breath. I was told it was my body burning calories. I was never truely hungry..but I eat when i am not hungry, so that didn't help me! After I stopped taking it, I gained all the weight back.:frown:
  • Yes I have and even though yes it did control my hunger and i did loose 30lbs in one month some of it came back when i stoped the pill although i didn't start pigging out when i was off of the pill. I did have horrible withdraw symtoms however i know it's just not safe to keep going back on these pills my best advice is try to cut out alot of your processed foods this seems to help control hunger the best. I don't call it low carb because I do eat whole grain rice and bread but other then that its meat fruits and veggies this seems to work best at satisfying cravings and controlling hunger the pills are only for short term use and if they are makin you feel crappy then i def wouldn't go back on them i know how tempting it is one thing i have found that helps is i'll get the vit B12 shots or lipo shots ocassionally to jump start my weight loss if im at a standstill!
  • heatherlindsays
    heatherlindsays Posts: 12 Member
    I have taken them on several different occasions. And yes, they do work AMAZINGLY. But, yes, the side effects can be bad. I get dizzy as well, and have headaches (awful ones). I found when I drink some type of caffeine throughout the day, it helps with the headaches (for me). I try not to take them anymore, because they do make you feel like you have to have them. But, I am different because I felt the side effects were worth the weight loss. I loved them. I only use them as a "temporary solution". And I don't want to have to take them for the rest of my life. That is just me though. Try taking half of one in the a.m. and the other half at lunch or even just go with half a day. Then up the dosage SLOWLY, and that may help with headaches. Good luck!
  • I was on it and i LOVED it!!! I had no side effects, but the difficulty was that when i stopped taking it, the weight came right back--because i hadn't changed the underlying behaviors and issues. If you're using it in conjunction w/ appropriate nutrition, exercise, and a long term plan, it's a great tool. It completely zapped my appetite to help me through a plateau, but you have to keep going past that point. So i guess my review is mixed!!! Good luck!
  • tammyr76
    tammyr76 Posts: 174
    I have tried Adipex twice with great results both times and terrible side effects that was not worth it,,and you gain the weight back super fast if you don't stick to a strick diet after using Adipex,,I quit taking them and have lost 17lbs on my on and feel much better than on the pills...
  • sahlah
    sahlah Posts: 52
    Concidering it is legalized speed it is not surprising the side effects with it. I know when I was on it I was bouncing off the walls. Unfortunatly it is a great pill for loosing weight but the side effects are horrible and the withdrawl can be almost as bad as the side effects.
  • DarkAngel864
    DarkAngel864 Posts: 229 Member
    I took it and felt awful!!!

    I lost about 20lbs in 6 weeks, then put back on 45 as SOON as I stopped taking it.

    I know this is a slow process, but the other just isn't worth it :flowerforyou:
  • Losing2Live69
    Losing2Live69 Posts: 743 Member
    I have been on it and had the same problem. It caused me to have a rapid heart rate, dizziness, feeling of anxiousness, light headedness...I quickly built up a tolerance to it, meaning my dose needed to be increased in order to get the same affect. It also gave me insomnia. I also had withdrawal symptoms from it too. I had headaches and feelings of anxiousness. It is a controlled substance and was never intended for long term use. I think the risks outweigh the benefits. The adverse side effects are really scary.It is just a reminder to me that there is no magic pill. Teaching yourself to control your appetite is the best way to go. For those who think taking Adipex works...I found that as soon as I stopped taking it I gained the weight right back.
  • kdrollins
    kdrollins Posts: 5 Member
    I started out only taking half a pill. Then when I went off of it and back on it I was only taking a quarter of the pill a day.
  • I am on phentermine (generic) now from a bariatrics doctor and it is a HUGE help. It gives me energy in the morning after I take it and I can't wait to go to the gym! I also love the appetite suppression because I feel like I finally eat like a "normal" person and I'm not so obsessed with food all the time. Totally worth it!
  • krismb
    krismb Posts: 2 Member
    I was on Adipex several years ago. I lost 40lbs. I can tell you I gained that back plus some! My blood pressure slowly increased and remained that way and I have had problems every since with it. I noticed some of the side effects seemed to stay with me. My sister in law was on it the same time I was and we both did some complaining about it. Once you start eating again you will gain the weight back. I have tried every pill out there and finally just said "you know what Kristie get with the program and change your life" So I joined here and starting today I know I am making a change for the better and doing it without the help of someone's man made pill that probably in the end won't help anyway, but could make me sicker.
  • matwood74
    matwood74 Posts: 111
    Hi! :smile:
    I was on Adipex in my mid-late 20's, and it worked great!!! I tried it again last year, and didn't have
    the same results at all!! Could be because I'm in my 30s now and I know the metabolism changes.
    But..... I'm finding I'm getting better results from exercise and MFP now. I do eat basically what
    I want to, just smaller portions,
    As for Adipex, the side effect that bothered me was being thirsty all the time, and constipation (sorry, tmi).
    Other then that, I did like the energy it gave me, and it made me feel full faster, but it doesn't work for
    me like it used to!!!
  • kdrollins
    kdrollins Posts: 5 Member
    Well I stopped taking the pill on Saturday and for those of you who had side long after stopping the pill will this anxiousness and dizzyness go away? It is driving me nuts! I just want to be back to "normal" at this point and have realized the side effects are not worth it. I lost the first 35 pounds on my own, I can lose my last 10 on my own.
  • I took Adipex for a month, I didn't have any of the side effects, and until I was finished taking it i didn't realize how much it had curbed my appetite. Since I have been off them the last few day I feel like I am totally exhausted. I was wondering if it was because I was not taking the Adipex any longer. Has anyone else felt like that? While I was on them I was walking and working out on my off days.
  • bblalock28
    bblalock28 Posts: 4 Member
    I just picked up a prescription and will be starting it tomorrow morning. Could use any advise and info anyon ed has to offer. I'm hoping it works
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