Anyone interested in joining me to lose inches?

Hey everyone!

My name is Sarah! I am a new mom to a beautiful 2 month old girl. I am here because it's time to lose the baby weight. I would really like to some friends to do it with. I
am starting Brazil Butt Lift because it has been shown to target bum, thigh and waist problem areas. I carry all my weight in my lower half!!!! I am so ready to gain the confidence I have always dreamt of. I would love it if I had some support along the way or if someone wanted to do a program with me that would be fantastic! I am going to be starting a challenge group for anyone interested in starting this journey with me :)

These are my goals to obtain:
1. Lose 10lbs to get to pre-pregnancy weight of 145lbs
2. Lose 25lbs to get to my goal weight of 120lbs
3. Compete in a fitness show on July 5th 2015

Feel free to add me as friend! Happy exercising!


  • mrengineer001
    I joined the program over a year and I lost 40lb half way to my goal. Life challenging events pushed me off.
    I gained most of it back. So today I am starting again. 80lb is my goal. Community does help the process
  • fit_mama_sarah
    fit_mama_sarah Posts: 17 Member
    Wow that is so awesome! Did you do Brazil Butt Lift? I love the instructor! He is so much fun :) What events pushed you off?