I've been on MFP on and off for a few years now (more off than on unfortunately), and currently I have an 18 day streak. I have been considering weight loss surgery, as I have close to 300 pound to lose - yeah, you read that right. However, I'm hesitant to resort to essentially a stomach amputation to get where I want to be. I guess that got me more serious about MFP again. A little about me, I'm male, 47, married, and have a pretty sedentary lifestyle both due to my current weight and a leg injury. That's part of how I got as large as I am - my injury reduced my activity, which added weight, which reduced activity, which added weight, etc, etc, etc...

I'm currently at about 3000 calories per day, but I'm working to reduce by 20 calories per day each week, so that by the end of the year, I'll be in the 2000 range, slowly enough my body doesn't think I'm trying to starve it. As the weight comes off, I'll add some activity to help the process along.

I don't want surgery. I had almost reached the point where I thought it was my only option, and it may still be. I may not be able to come back from where I am on my own. But I can't have surgery for at least 90 days, so that gives me time to see how it goes and make an educated decision.

I'm not very good at being accountable to anyone, and because of that, I've shied away from support groups such as OA. MFP gives me a non-judgemental, non-threatening, non-breathing source of accountability. However, if anyone wants a partner, I'll try my best.

Thanks for reading this far and keep good thoughts coming my way. Long road ahead.


  • You can do it!
  • Evenstranger
    Evenstranger Posts: 69 Member
    Thank you, Skippy!
  • I just wanted to let you know that you can do this! You have hundreds of people on here that have your back.
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    First off... you have an 18 day streak, don't you dare quit now!! ;)

    Find a pool to workout in! It'll change your life... you'll find an outside interest, meet others and feel better moving your body more and being around water is just so soothing! You can start out walking in the shallow to begin with. It's not hard on your joints.. a pool is an excellent way to get in shape!

    You might be able to speak to your doctor about doing PT for your leg in a pool or seeing if your insurance will pay for it in a PT environment.

    Good luck to you :)
  • You're back on here with people that can support you.. That's part of the battle won already :smile:
    I know it's hard, but you can do it!
  • TiliaIvanovska
    TiliaIvanovska Posts: 73 Member
    I think it's great that you're trying to lose weight without surgery! It's about changing your lifestyle and habits,it's not overnight journey! Keep it up, you are on right track! Go step by step with simple exercises, I know you can do it.
  • Evenstranger
    Evenstranger Posts: 69 Member
    Thank you Hakazri, Hearts, Bella and Tillia for your encouragement!
  • BigGibbo
    BigGibbo Posts: 29 Member
    My situation is remarkably similar to yours
  • BigGibbo
    BigGibbo Posts: 29 Member
    Oops that posted early...

    I've had a leg injury and have 300 lbs to lose, except I've already lost 120 lbs of it on my own. Add me if you're ready to do this!
  • JimFsfitnesspal
    JimFsfitnesspal Posts: 313 Member
    edited February 2015
    edited by user
  • BigGibbo
    BigGibbo Posts: 29 Member
    edited February 2015
    And why are all you posters encouraging this?? That is a terrible disservice to him

    You clearly have no idea what you're talking about.

    If you use the Harris-Benedict equation on a guy his size you'll find that he can still lose weight at over 3000 calories a day. As I'm sure he's recently been told by his bariatric dietitian.

    I started off on 2800 a day and I've lost 120 lbs in 12 months.

    Educate yourself before you get on your high horse next time.
  • Evenstranger
    Evenstranger Posts: 69 Member
    Jim, I understand what you're saying, but seriously you have no idea where I'm coming from here. I'm a realist. I know the struggles I face daily with food, with weight and with my life in general. I didn't pull the calorie goal out of thin air. It's based on the recommendation of MFP, and I haven't made my decisions lightly. A gradual decrease over the next year will give me the best chances for success. Apart from my weight, my health is generally good, My family has very little history of heart disease, cancer, or other chronic conditions. I'm working with my doctor, and I am taking this seriously.
  • JimFsfitnesspal
    JimFsfitnesspal Posts: 313 Member
    Wow. I just looked his up using the same BMR calc I used and I guess I was wrong about that. My apologies for not knowing that.

    It was not a high horse Biggie. I have had two people in my family have heart attacks at young ages (35 and 55). The younger one was seriously overweight. He did not survive.
  • Laurend224
    Laurend224 Posts: 1,748 Member
    Jim, I understand what you're saying, but seriously you have no idea where I'm coming from here. I'm a realist. I know the struggles I face daily with food, with weight and with my life in general. I didn't pull the calorie goal out of thin air. It's based on the recommendation of MFP, and I haven't made my decisions lightly. A gradual decrease over the next year will give me the best chances for success. Apart from my weight, my health is generally good, My family has very little history of heart disease, cancer, or other chronic conditions. I'm working with my doctor, and I am taking this seriously.

    Good for you! Just out of curiosity I did what I think your stat would be on scoobys workshop (guessing on height and using an estimated goal weight) and I got over 3000 calories for you as well.

    I wish you well on your journey, it's going to be amazing!

  • AliceDark
    AliceDark Posts: 3,886 Member
    I'm not sure if you're familiar with CyberEd, but he's a mod here who started out at 560 pounds. I wasn't able to find any of his threads here (the MFP search function is...not wonderful), but here's his blog: http://www.gettingfit4life.com/
  • BigGibbo
    BigGibbo Posts: 29 Member
    Wow. I just looked his up using the same BMR calc I used and I guess I was wrong about that. My apologies for not knowing that.

    It was not a high horse Biggie. I have had two people in my family have heart attacks at young ages (35 and 55). The younger one was seriously overweight. He did not survive.

    Apology accepted.

    I'm sorry to hear that, but it's no excuse for telling random fat people that they're deluded and are going to die. As you've just acknowledged by deleting it.
  • Evenstranger
    Evenstranger Posts: 69 Member
    Jim, thank you for caring. Apology accepted. Everyone's weight loss journey is different and there is no single way of doing it. Thank you to others for helping to provide valuable information for everyone I think. Thank you Alice for the link to CyberEd's blog - I'll certainly check it out. And thanks Gib for your encouragement.
  • BigGibbo
    BigGibbo Posts: 29 Member
    edited February 2015
    No probs! Message me with any questions you have...
  • Evenstranger
    Evenstranger Posts: 69 Member
    Just in case folks are wondering about jimfsfitnesspal's deleted post, his advice for me was to take more of an urgent view and reduce my goal to 2000 calories immediately. Not understanding my caloric needs at my size, his tough love approach cast him in an unflattering light, but it was sent out of genuine concern, for which I am grateful.