I am very new to this...any advice?


  • labeastette
    labeastette Posts: 82 Member
    Start slow and don't overwhelm yourself. Track what you can and don't get discouraged if you miss logging a few foods or a few days. Same goes for exercise, do what you can and don't beat yourself up if you miss a day or two. Just hop right back on. You got this. Just don't give up. For me, I started my exercising first til I got used to it, then incorporated changing my eating habits a little at a time. Sometimes people try to do it all at one time and end up giving up because it's too much. If you start to feel that, drop something from your to-do until you are comfortable with your routine and then slowly add it back in. Good luck!
  • gingergraff
    gingergraff Posts: 4 Member
    Thank you so much
  • electro68
    electro68 Posts: 4 Member
    For me, I make my diet and exercise something I can live with my whole life. I will have a cheat meal every week or so like a nice big meal out or some ice cream but I put it on my fitness pal even if it's over. This app has helped me stay aware of what I am eating every meal, I have lost 11 pounds in 3 weeks. Good luck.