Coulting calories or counting proteins and cabs ???

hi everyone ! Im a bit confusing about this one need some advived please ! I got the meal plan but if i follow the plan wil be eating high in fat like peanut butter , almond .. I note if i eat them my calories of the day will go so hight .. Should i just follow the meal plan forget about calories ? Or should i follow eat vegs low calories but not eat food in high fat ?? Im very pettie only need lose 2,3 lbs then i will be at my target weigh ..


  • Depends on what your doing for your physical activity... High protein are good when your working out everyday. If you don't work out that day focus on the calories.

    I recommend using mapmyfitness with this app they sync up so say your goal is 1200cal/day but you burn 300cal you technically can eat 1500cal/day to stay within your 1200 cal goal.

    Hope that helps.
  • phuonguk
    phuonguk Posts: 46 Member
    Aww thanks very much ! Ill have a look at that aps now ! Thanks again
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    I was just counting calories and sort of eyeballing the protein and carbs to make sure I wasn't way off. However, I just found out that I'm diabetic. :X I now have to take a whole new approach to carbs and when I get back from the doctor tomorrow I will adjust my carb goal according to what she tells me. So anyway if you have no physical ailments I would suggest mostly counting calories but just making sure your macros are more or less as recommended, fairly close-ish is good enough as each day is different.
  • BritDillinger
    Do not focus on the calories alone. What makes up those calories is what is important. Fats and proteins should definitely be what makes up the percentage of your daily caloric intake. But don't make food a chore for yourself. Eat when you are hungry and to the point of sating your appetite.

    Honestly, I would recommend eating lower in carbs while making fats and proteins your best friend. When you consume carbs, ensure that they are whole fruits and vegetables, but keep it lower than the standard average for adults.

    Here is why:
  • phuonguk
    phuonguk Posts: 46 Member
    Aww thanks for all imform that really helpful ! I been with PT few month ago ! He gave me meal plan its hardly got any cabs ! Its no fruit at all exept 2 banana a week and blueberry some day ! Meal plan high proteins a lot chicken , steak , turkey ..peanut butter with oats cake for snack ! Its work ! But if i follow that diet plan im sure will be add a lot calories ! I might have a try next week a bit of both see if it work
  • Your trainer is probably trying to retrain your body to burn off fat not carbs... Which is huge if you can do it. You will see a huge improvement in the way your body looks, you will slim down and look more toned even if your not lifting weights and you will feel a lot better.

    I have been gluten free for over a year now, and I try to only eat good carbs (fruits or quinoa). It's made a huge difference for me. But i also find eating for your blood type to be a very interesting concept. I am O+ and they recommend high protein, no gluten style diet. Take a look at what they recommend for your blood type and talk to your trainer about incorporating some of those suggestions too.

    Good luck with your journey to being healthy. Remember heathy is the new skinny
  • phuonguk
    phuonguk Posts: 46 Member
    Hiya !i ready eating good cabs for few month now and yeah i can feel much better ready ! Im love quinoa thai style salad its so yummy and is fill me up aswell !! Im gona keep eating heathy cabs and add heathy fat to my diet as well see any change !! Thanks u