Fat to Fit

danthehurtman Posts: 3
edited February 2015 in Success Stories
Hi guys, just here to say that anything is possible, you just have to be committed. I went from 240lb to 160lb with a horrible diet and a lot of cardio. I then gained 30lb with weight lifting and proper nutrition. My journey is on youtube if you are interested. I'm here to help and inspire. Any questions, let me know!





  • DarcG
    DarcG Posts: 51 Member
    You look great! Keep up the good work. I hope one day I'll have these great before and after pictures!
  • Congrats! You look amazing!
  • cmsu64113
    cmsu64113 Posts: 474 Member
  • Sydking
    Sydking Posts: 317 Member
    Hell yer
  • Thank you guys means a lot! I hope to inspire you guys check out my youtube hurtadofitlife
  • ErinK09
    ErinK09 Posts: 687 Member
    Awesome job! You look great.
  • RekindledRose
    RekindledRose Posts: 523 Member
    You do look great, and it's a wonderful accomplishment, but I do feel wary when a noob comes on MFP and shows their success stories, their websites, and offers to help . It sounds like you're simply trying to drum up traffic to your website or to your training program or whatever you're doing.

    You have one friend and no other posts. It's a little odd.

    MFP is for people who are on their health journeys, to support each other. It's not a place to look for people to send to your personal web page. Hopefully I've misjudged you, but you kinda fit the bill of a troll...

    Anyone who might want to contact you for support should be cautious. A monthly fee for your help might be on the horizon for them.

  • My info is free..before you judge me, I work harder than anyone and spend hours studying the nutritional value of foods, and proper weight training. I'm here to give my knowledge (which I'm currently getting my degree for "kinesiology" ) so I'm just here to help before others start to judge :smile: :blush: and I barely started using the app lol
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