Newbie, my goal is to lose 12% bf and get toned

hi everyone!
I'm new here and would love to get more friends with the same goal!
I'm from Jakarta Indonesia. I have been in weight loss journey since 5 years ago but never achieved my dream body because i didn't consistent and discipline with my eating habits. So this early year i want to more consistent and discipline about tracking macros. I'm in bodybuilding n bodyspace, username lassibee. I love lifting. So, anyone of you who have the same goal just like me, lose some body fat, get toned and better physique please add me :) we will encourage each other and achieve our goals together!
Btw, i have experienced with livefit jamie eason, craig 30daysout, jim stoppani shortcut2 shred. If you have any questions about those plan i would love to share with you!

Thanks and keep going



  • minnwow
    minnwow Posts: 28 Member
    Hi Lasma, Thanks for adding me! Looking forward to motivating each other in the gym!
  • lasmafaithtofit
    Hi there!
    Yes! And best of luck with your goal for the wedding! Push hard and make it happen :)
