trying to get my vegan superpowers

lizzybethclaire Posts: 849 Member
edited September 27 in Introduce Yourself
Hi everyone! I have a lot of weight to lose, but this site has been really helpful. I can't believe how many calories were in my tofu rice! I am almost vegan because on occassion I slip into vegetarian territory (milk and egg products). I did not choose to become almost vegan to lose weight, I did it because I love animals and do not agree with the way they are treated. My kids and husband love meat and mock my almost vegan ways. Good luck to us all!


  • chilipeppers
    chilipeppers Posts: 119
    I find people are more judgmental of me as a vegan/vegetarian (I say that because I am not "hardcore" vegan) than you would think vegans/vegetarians would be of meat eaters. Personally I really don't give a damn what other people eat. Everybody makes their own choices about what they put in their bodies and what their ethical viewpoints are on consuming meat. If they give a damn about the environment or about animal rights, I think they will come to it on their own time, so no use pushing it!
  • JennLifts
    JennLifts Posts: 1,913 Member
    woot woot to veg ;) Yea, tofu can easily be a punch to your calories LOL
  • I, too, catch a lot of grief about being vegan/vegetarian. I'm sure they are thinking "how can you need to lose so much weight when you can't eat anything!" Ah, stereotypes ... gotta love them!

    Anyway, I thin we all need to stick together and tell the haters to kiss our vegan/vegetarian *kitten*!! :laugh:
  • yovivian
    yovivian Posts: 2
    Good luck to you. I'm straddling the vegan/vegetarian fence right now. I've been a vegetarian for quite a few years. I usually slip away from veganism when I have to decipher an ingredient list, but I'm getting better at it.

    I highly recommend the "Vegetarian Food For Thought" podcast by Colleen Patrick-Goudreau (available on iTunes or at her website ( She's a vegan chef and author who does a great job explaining the vegan lifestyle in a very comfortable and non-accusatory way. (I'm not in any way being paid for this endorsement, BTW)

    Best of luck on your journey and don't worry what others are thinking...they're not living in your body. Take care of yourself.
  • lizzybethclaire
    lizzybethclaire Posts: 849 Member
    I actually got her newest book at the library. I don't usually put that much effort into my food, but I was willing to try a few recipes. Thanks for the tips.
  • lizzybethclaire
    lizzybethclaire Posts: 849 Member
    usually, the first thing everyone asks me is if I make my kids vegan. I always respond "I would never force my ideology on my children or my husband." My kids and husband are far away from being vegan. I make them meat meals and just make something different for me.
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