Who is turning 30 in 2015?

Hey guys!
I am new here (3 weeks) and joined this amazing community to hit my weight goal before I turn 30 in December. I just wanna feel great and fit and healthy to celebrate my big 30! I would love some friends and support along the way : )


  • SallyJones1985
    SallyJones1985 Posts: 55 Member
    Hi there, I'm hitting the big 30 in November, and honestly, it scares me rigid lol. I've lost 53lbs since last October and desperately want to shed another 40 before my birthday. I've been fat and unhappy all through my 20's, and I want to be fit and fabulous for my 30's. Feel free to add me :smile:
  • barbaraocuevas
    barbaraocuevas Posts: 5 Member
    Great job Sally! I have 40 to lose as well. I didn't feel sad during my twenties, but I know I could have done better : / Well, we've got 10 months to go!!! Let's sweat it.
  • Gem_Runner
    Gem_Runner Posts: 19 Member
    I will be in June! Definitely have a goal in mind to shatter before my birthday!