still hungry

does anyone have an issue with still being hungry even eating your calories worth i cant help it i eat breakfast lunch dinner and snacks but im still hungry ! and i have been going over my calories lately


  • Dee_84
    Dee_84 Posts: 431 Member
    It would be easier for us to answer your question if you would make your diary public, otherwise it's hard to give you advise on what you could change.
  • coppertop_4
    coppertop_4 Posts: 258 Member
    Are you really hungry? Could you need water instead of food? Or are you eating cause you're bored?

    True hunger..... can't be mistaken.
  • lilpoindexter
    lilpoindexter Posts: 1,122 Member
    I feel kind of hungry right now before I go to bed...usually I'm ok.
    I'm just going to grab a handful of almonds, and some water, and just try to go to sleep.
  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member
    Since we cannot see your food log, I have no idea what you are eating in a day. If you are a 1200 calorie dieter, than it is likely you can add calories (and should) without any issue - in fact you could get better results at a higher level than that (depending upon certain things). Do you use MFP's suggestions or do you track based on your TDEE?
  • Jester522
    Jester522 Posts: 392
    It would be easier for us to answer your question if you would make your diary public, otherwise it's hard to give you advise on what you could change.

    This. I'd bet money you don't eat enough.
  • Just to expand on that. Can one not eat enough and trigger some sort of bodily response like a starvation response? What does this do?
  • If I only eat the suggested number of calories for me (and work on losing 1 lb per week), I am hungry. If I get out and do some exercise, that ups the number of calories recommended, then I can eat something else and find that the something else makes me feel a whole lot better. I try to eat low cal, bulky foods, like wheat bread and lots of vegies because those make me full. Low cal but full. Also, one day per week I try to do a full day of hiking or other high energy activity, and then I can really eat a lot on that one day. I still make good food choices that day, but I can eat a heck of a lot more.

    so, in your case, how many calories are you trying to lose per week? Maybe change that number so the number of cals you can eat changes too. Make sure you are balancing the kinds of foods (carbohydrates, proteins, fatty) so you don't go over especially on the fatty type.
  • Madholm
    Madholm Posts: 167
    You are going to have to expect a bit of 'hunger' while at a calorie deficit. The best way to feel full all day is to eat the right foods. Meals should include fiber and protien to fill you up and maintain your energy level. Snacks can be a combination of things, but I prefer fruits for snacks since they give you plenty of carbs to last till the next meal that's high in protien. It's all about finding what works for you, but most MFPers will tell you that lean protien and fiber will be your best friends in keeping hunger at bay.
  • You may want to try to add more protein into your plan. I have found that being hungry all the time leads to a eating day. String cheese is a great snack you can carry along anywhere.
  • Jester522
    Jester522 Posts: 392
    Just to expand on that. Can one not eat enough and trigger some sort of bodily response like a starvation response? What does this do?
    Yeah sure "starvation mode" will come if youre nothing but skin and bone but if you still have weight to drop then that's far from a reality.

    It's not starvation rather than the body fighting back and storing everything it gets thinking it's not gonna get much of anything else. The weight lost will come from bone and tissue rather than adipose if the macros arent favorable. Metabolism will slow to avoid expending too much energy as an adaptation to poor nutrition.

    It's like this: when you only have a few singles youre not gonna spend because youre low on cash but if someone hands you a handful of tens... whats a couple bucks.. Go buy that book and gum.
  • Up your protien intake.
  • caitlyn30
    caitlyn30 Posts: 207 Member
    aim for 8 glasses of water a day, drink... even if you don't feel thirsty. stay away from soda if you are drinking it, it makes you more hungry.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    If you're aiming for less than about 1600 calories, thats probably why youre hungry. I could never live on three 400 calorie meals a day.

  • Hello!The truth I'm not hungry, spirulina drink water consumption and according to my weight 4litros
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Madholm wrote: »
    You are going to have to expect a bit of 'hunger' while at a calorie deficit. The best way to feel full all day is to eat the right foods. Meals should include fiber and protien to fill you up and maintain your energy level. Snacks can be a combination of things, but I prefer fruits for snacks since they give you plenty of carbs to last till the next meal that's high in protien. It's all about finding what works for you, but most MFPers will tell you that lean protien and fiber will be your best friends in keeping hunger at bay.


  • reneeann60
    reneeann60 Posts: 1 Member
    I've been there. The question I asked myself was whether I was actually hungry or just "wanted" to eat.
    The key is that we're supposed to FEED our body, not FILL it.
    I was always a big eater. So once I accepted this truth, I started cutting back my portions by about 1/4 cup for about a week. I literally measured all I ate. After a week I decreased again. Eventually. I became satisfied with smaller portions.
    Another important key factor is to make sure we eat plenty of proteins to keep us full longer. If we don't start the day with proteins, we won't be satisfied.
    With the MFP awesome recipes, I lost 9 lbs since Dec 30. And keeping it off. That's the best part. Good luck!