TOM and feeling fat.... anyone else?



  • lisaidem
    lisaidem Posts: 194 Member
    I've had TOM twice!!! now in the last 30 days, and I think he's about to visit in less than a week AGAIN. Yes, obviously, this is not normal. But a whole month of going in/out of TOM has been torture! An entire month of feeling like BLARGH.
  • missnikkiee
    missnikkiee Posts: 14 Member
    I just got it too...grrr...I wanted to weight and measure myself, but guess who decided to roll up TOM!!! Damn him - so now I feel bloated, fat, so no point in measuring and weighting myself - I'll just wait until its over....blah so I feel you!!!
  • rachelhohenbrink
    rachelhohenbrink Posts: 179 Member
    Just remember that your body craves chocolate and sweets and things that you shouldn't have during this time because it actually makes the symptoms worse. I realize that it's really hard to resist though. Try drinking a chocolate protein shake or getting low fat fudge popsicle or something that has what you want but is low in calories and fat. Everyone goes through this and it sucks! IT will pass and you will do great. Just remember if you fall off that horse just get back on again as soon as possible. You are doing your best!
  • Manda1987
    Manda1987 Posts: 207
    I've been spamming my poor friends with complaints. It's not even TOM yet (2 weeks to go!), and I'm already bloating like crazy. I seem to have about one week a month where I'm at my 'actual' weight. I have this awful zig-zag pattern where I lose 5-6 lbs, gain for TOM, freak out and give up on ever losing weight, eat like it's going out of style, gain 2 more lbs, TOM ends and I lose the water weight (but keep the weight I gained from my freak-out) and start all over again.

    THIS ENDS NOW. I've been on MFP since November now, and only 6 lbs of loss (and I've gone up a few lately because of water weight). I'm going to try forcing myself to keep calm and carry on, and see if that works.
  • Kytana
    Kytana Posts: 63
    @ Lisaidem: make sure you get that checked out! Could be something little, or - as it was in my case - something major. It's better to know what's going on sooner rather than later. Best of luck to you!
