30 Day Shred for Beginners

Hello all,

I've just purchased the 30 days shed for beginners (not the normal workout dvd).. This dvd is for those who are new to exercise or just getting back into it. For me, I haven't exercised in years & years and that plus being overweight.. Well I don't know how I will manage! I am determined to stick at it though.

I was just wondering what your thoughts on workout dvds are? If you have done this DVD or something similar, what was your experience like? Did you get results?..

Basically I'd just love to hear from someone who is in a similar position to me. :)


  • Capegirl16
    Capegirl16 Posts: 4 Member
    You get out of it what you put into it... Have to start somewhere. One day at a time remember it took years to gain the weight not going to loose it overnight. I was overweight a few years ago but with hard work and watching what I eat and when I eat it I have dropped 70 pounds and now feel great. I can keep up with my grand kids now.
  • krissytrainer
    krissytrainer Posts: 2 Member
    I'm going to start the Jillian michaels 30 day shred DVDs today! My goal is to lose about 40 pounds. I'm logging absolutely EVERYTHING I eat/drink and never realized what a "bad" eater I was until I started doing this. Unfortunately, I'm on day 10 of this and I lost only 2 lbs, just to turn around and gain it right back. I'm at my current weight I started at. So with that being said, along with good eating habits and starting the 30 day shred program I'm hoping for RESULTS!! Good luck to you on your journey!
  • NicholeElizabeth92
    NicholeElizabeth92 Posts: 186 Member
    I started with 30 day shred and did not see much of a weight loss. However, it helped me to get in better shape and now I'm doing insanity. I think 30 day shred is great to help people who haven't worked out for a while build up to something harder.
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member
    I did the 30 day shred last yr it was hard but good I have done several exercise dvds along with walking and my stationary bike I have lost 115 lbs and now maintaining
  • vngarcia06
    vngarcia06 Posts: 1 Member
    The trick with 30 day shred is to measure yourself, not weigh yourself. You gain a good amount of muscle and if you're just going by lbs you will get discouraged. I have not tried the beginner shred but I love the 30 day shred series. I always try different things but find my way back to it. Good luck and have fun
  • DressedInDreams
    DressedInDreams Posts: 96 Member
    I did 30 day shred last summer and while I didn't lose weight (wasn't tracking calories, oops) I did get stronger and my endurance improved a lot. I ended up buying other JM dvds and I like those better but it's all a matter of preference.
  • kellycasey5
    kellycasey5 Posts: 486 Member
    I just did day 2 of 30 day shred today...updated my profile pic for start day and took my measurements. I will update my pic weekly with side by side...wait until week 3 it will be amazing. I did the shred many moons ago. I "only" lost about 4 pounds in a month and a half, but lost about 11 inches and toned really nicely. My advice: take your starting and weekly pics in something fitted/smallish, and measure! When the scale doesn't budge it is nice to see the inches shrink! And don't stop moving...even when you are sore. If I skip a day and don't exercise, I get REALLY stiff. It is best for me to suck it up and move even when I don't want to. Let us know how the beginner dvd goes. I love Jillian's workouts as they are quick and get great results! It also helps to find others doing the same workout...for those days when you don't want to and need a little push!
  • jelgey
    jelgey Posts: 7 Member
    Thank you everyone for your responses! So I've decided to go by measurements which I've taken today and will take again in a months time. I completed the first workout for the beginner shread today and although I found some parts tough, I know it is just me being in bad shape. I'm going to stick at it & do the workout again tomorrow. I'm hoping at the end of the 30 days I feel a whole lot better about myself.
  • jadior
    jadior Posts: 191 Member
    How are you doing with this? I bought it as well and my first day was yesterday. I'm so sore today but I guess I have to do this for 30 days no matter what!!!
  • pixielizzie12345
    I am on day 6 of level 1. I thought about skipping to level 2, but it looks significantly more difficult, more than by just 1level! My arms are starting to become more toned and my abs are pretty strong. I am very frustrated that I cannot go all the way to the floor on the knee push ups, though! I want to be able to do a full standard push up so badly!
  • dawniemate
    dawniemate Posts: 395 Member
    Hi...For you do level 1 for ten days then level 2 etc. ..
    Did it today level one..I'm aching already lol only 29 to go. ..let's do this x x
  • Nursepirt
    Nursepirt Posts: 2 Member
    I'm on day 3 my body is SORE! I'm enjoying Beginner Shred, I've tried 30 DS before (never completed). This one seems a little more doable.
  • dillmockingbird
    dillmockingbird Posts: 7 Member
    I'm on day 4. I have a question though. How do you keep you abs engaged all throughout the exercise? Jillian emphasizes that abs must be tight but I am finding it hard to focus on engaging my abs while I am struggling to finish the whole routine :(

    Also, I haven't noticed any difference in my body yet.
  • Fitgirllife72
    Fitgirllife72 Posts: 500 Member
    Beginner shred was the first Jillian workout i did and I'm so glad I started with it. Level 1 may seem somewhat easy but it's a good progression and will slowly transition into her workouts and prevent you from burning out and giving up. I worked through all 3 levels and was prepared to move onto 30 day shred once I was done and completed that one without getting discouraged and giving up. I recommend beginner shred to everyone who is just starting out again with fitness who wants to try Jillian. I've since worked through many of her programs and am currently rotating her killer series dvds.