obsessing over food!

I have been doing this for a month now and I've only lost 8 lbs! I'm a big girl ( 5'10 SW: 306) so I should be dropping it like its hot these first few months! But I obviously am not I have an allowance of 1700 calories a day, yet I can't manage to stay under.. I think about what I can eat and how much I can have allll day long.. I do have a history of bingeing so Im trying super hard not to do that.. How do you volume eaters deal with the nagging feeling of needing to eat all day?


  • kandell
    kandell Posts: 473 Member
    I do the same :/ Currently I'm drinking a lot more water daily (typically at least 12 cups). That helps me feel fuller so any time I think about food, I know that I'm not hungry and it's just an emotional or obsessive type thing. Then I try to find something to think about that's not food.

    Maybe try making a daily water goal and focusing on reaching that, rather than thinking about food so much?
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    First I start by weighing out food and counting calories. I eat to my limit. I won't today though. Craving become less and less and when a craving does hit I make it fit in my calorie limit.
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    Two pounds a week is an amazing loss and the maximum recommended. Keep it up!
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    My friend, you are dropping it like it's hot already :) Seriously, you are doing good work and should pat yourself on the back for it.

    Is that 1700 your base and then you're adding in your exercise calories (if you have any) and eating them too? Or are you trying to stick to just 1700? Because 1700 is kind of low, in my opinion. But you have to consider the possible trade off of slower weight loss vs. being able to eat more, which may help you feel more comfortable so that you can stick to the process longer than you would if you were hungry all the time.

    As for being a volume eater--I will second the recommendation for drinking water and also suggest raw fruits and veggies. They are filling and low in calories (most of them at least.) Plus, at a certain point you get tired of the chewing and say forget it, I can go without a snack for now.
  • katsmo
    katsmo Posts: 219 Member
    Can you plan out your day the night before? Plug in all your meals and snacks for the day to get you to your caloric goal and pack everything you need for the next day. That takes a lot of the binging and splurging opportunities right out of the equation for me. There are days when I'm craving something for lunch, but darn- I'd better eat this cool Pinterest salad jar I packed already.
  • LovingLife_Erin
    LovingLife_Erin Posts: 328 Member
    I agree with the water suggestion. I'd also load up on low cal snacks. Fruit and veg, yogurt, etc. If that means you sit and eat a bag of carrots, rather than crisps/chips, then that is a healthier choice! Also look up sneaky ways to cut calories in your meals. Things like using passata instead of jarred pasta sauce can help. Just experiment, and find what works for you. :)
  • pippin44
    pippin44 Posts: 34 Member
    I would try katsmo's suggestion -- plan each day ahead of time -- decide what you are going to eat, when, and how much.....and stick to it!
    If you need guideline's -- look at Dr Ian Smith's Shred Diet.....he gives you a schedule of when to eat with choices for each time.
  • fastfoodietofitcutie
    I struggle with the same thing. I have found pre planning for the day/week has been a huge help. Plus, the cravings seem to get less and less over time.

    I think you are doing great so far. Are you exercising at all? If not, by exercising you could eat back those calories which would give you some room to play with.
  • SergeantSausage
    SergeantSausage Posts: 1,673 Member
    "only lost 8 lbs" ... in a month...


    You do know that's 96 pounds a year right?

    I'll take "Unrealistic Expectations" for $1,000 please, Alex.

    A hundred pounds a year is *significant*. What are you expecting?
  • Fat4Fuel2
    Fat4Fuel2 Posts: 280 Member
    You're doing great number wise! However, do you want to eat out of hunger or emotion? Try to focus on eating because you're hungry. If I'm craving or want to eat just to eat, I'll chew gum. Add lots of veggies to your meals and snacks also adds tons of volume with little calories. Also, if you're losing 2lbs/week at more than 1700, why not just up your calorie goal for now? When you start to slow down, drop back to 1700. It will give your body time to get used to eating less emotionally while keeping your metabolism up.
  • foodeatsarah
    I am also a binge eater and constantly obsess over food. I'm trying hard. If you make the meal plan and then attempt to distract yourself from food, it helps...also sit down and REALLY enjoy what you eat and don't rush! I have a big problem with slowing down and nibbling and if I don't binge in a day it's a really big accomplishment! If we make changes to the mental side of food the physical will happen all by itself! Good luck!
  • exstromn
    exstromn Posts: 176 Member
    edited February 2015
    I fight sugar addiction daily. What has worked for me doesn't mean it will work for you but here are some tips: 1) what ever your poison is, try not to buy it or keep it in your house figure out a substitute or a way to control the portion (I buy the fun size m&ms and savor one pkg a day after supper) 2) pay for gas at the pump so you don't have to go inside the conveinence store and be bombarded with a visual array of junk food. 3) Its easy to feel overwhelmed, so pick one thing you can do everyday like drink at least 8 cups of water or get your fiber in (25 to 30 grams) and then build a habit from there. 4) the longer you do this honestly and consistantly (mfp) the easier it gets. 5) forgive yourself when you do slip up and then move on. 6) everyday is a new day and an opportunity for success. 6) the only thing you can truly control is what is happening right now so choose your actions accordingly. (I got a lot of guff for this in another conversation, but I sometimes throw food away like donuts or cake after one bite so they are unretrieveable in the trash can if I have a sudden compulsion to actually eat said thing) Good luck!!!!