only allowed 14g of fiber a day?

Rebjones612 Posts: 408
edited September 27 in Health and Weight Loss been trying to stay under all my #s each day.
Been doing pretty good.
Sometimes the sodium goes over a little, not much.
But I just ate lunch and I am already -1 on my fiber for the day......!

Any suggestions?


  • ohdear1986
    ohdear1986 Posts: 110 Member
    i too would like to know the answer to this question.
  • greeneyed84
    greeneyed84 Posts: 427 Member
    Actually MFP's fiber setting is really low, we're supposed to get 25g of fiber every single day, i manually re-set mine and even though it goes up when i add workouts, i always have it set to 25 but i almost always reach 28 or more.
  • epj78
    epj78 Posts: 643 Member
    You should look at fiber as the minimum you should have in a day - not the maximum!! This is a number you WANT to exceed. Shoot for 25g a day.
  • baisleac
    baisleac Posts: 2,019 Member
    As Greeneyed mentioned, MFP has some low settings on some nutrients.

    Also, it's okay to go over on certain things. I, personally, consider my fiber number to be a minimum and actively try to get it to go "Red". Protein, calcium, iron, etc are all things I don't mind going over on (within reason). Saturated Fat, Sodium, and such, I try to keep "in the green".
  • peacehawk
    peacehawk Posts: 421 Member
    Ditto to baisleac said.
  • Losing2Live69
    Losing2Live69 Posts: 743 Member
    Going over in fiber is no biggie. I don't worry about protein either. I focus on calories, carbs, fats, and sodium. I had to change some by hand because the values given my MFP were not matching up with the Recommended Daily Allowance of certain nutrients. It had my carbs figured outrageously high!
  • momma3sweetgirls
    momma3sweetgirls Posts: 743 Member
    You should look at fiber as the minimum you should have in a day - not the maximum!! This is a number you WANT to exceed. Shoot for 25g a day.

    Indeed. Fiber is good for you. More is better.
  • Fattack
    Fattack Posts: 666 Member
    As others have said, fibre is set low here. I wouldn't worry about going over as long as you're not going over by a ridiculous amount and just make sure you're having extra water.
  • Manda1987
    Manda1987 Posts: 207
    I find MFP's numbers a little wonky sometimes. I'm almost always way under on fat because I just don't eat that much fat. It's not a "low fat diet", it's just me not liking fatty foods. I'm always way over on fibre... today I'll be over by 20 g! And as for sodium... I don't like the recommended amount of 2500 mg a day. Those are the guidelines given by the States' health people. The Canadian Food Guide says that the limit for sodium intake should be about 2300 mg a day, but recommends an amount of 1000-1500 mg, depending on age. I just try to stick to my own numbers and stay within the calorie limits.
  • greeneyed84
    greeneyed84 Posts: 427 Member
    I find MFP's numbers a little wonky sometimes. I'm almost always way under on fat because I just don't eat that much fat. It's not a "low fat diet", it's just me not liking fatty foods. I'm always way over on fibre... today I'll be over by 20 g! And as for sodium... I don't like the recommended amount of 2500 mg a day. Those are the guidelines given by the States' health people. The Canadian Food Guide says that the limit for sodium intake should be about 2300 mg a day, but recommends an amount of 1000-1500 mg, depending on age. I just try to stick to my own numbers and stay within the calorie limits.

    I have my sodium set to 2300mg as well but i try to stay around 1500-2000mg.

    Some setting on here are off but i would google what's best for you and then set it and try to stick to it.
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