How much weight gain a month?

How much weight can i gain a month while still being in the recommended numbers?


  • MsMcDodo
    MsMcDodo Posts: 5 Member
    Preferably muscle. But since i'm underweight i should probably just gain some weight. No matter what kind of weight.
    I'm 20. I train 4 times a week and aim for a surplus of 250 kcal.
    Well, I've been figure skating for 10 years. Does that count as training? XD
    And i actually try to eat a lot of protein which i'm struggling with.

    Any tipps?
  • hamshor
    hamshor Posts: 64 Member
    500 kcal over maintenance and u will gain at minimum 2 kg a month
  • MsMcDodo
    MsMcDodo Posts: 5 Member
    I figure skate once a week. :)
    I'm 20 y/o. Height is 5'4" (163cm) and weight is 98lbs (44.5 kg).
    And i try to eat 30% protein. 50% carbs and 20% fat.
  • hamshor
    hamshor Posts: 64 Member
    edited February 2015
    500 kcal over maintenance,is always recomended.if you dont know,read a lot