In search of friends with support!

I've been on here for about a month now but it's so empty with out friends to see the progress I've made or even a little support. I would like to support and see awesome progress too. Some of us just can't do this on our own. I'm hear for anyone who needs support :) we can do this. My goal is to lose 20 pounds. What's yours?


  • bacave12
    Hello! I just joined this app today. This feature is awesome :) I loooove chatting with people fighting the good fight.
    My goal ... its a big one lol... I have seventy more pounds to go. Easy peasy!.... right? Lol
  • BooBoo5
    BooBoo5 Posts: 24 Member
    I've had this app a while, but kind of stopped using it for a while. I'm trying to lose LOTS of weight. lol. I definitely get what you mean about needing motivation. :)
  • carolineeehill320
    I have been using this app for about 4 days & Have lost a pound so far....but still it's progress(:
  • 21NellyBelly21
    21NellyBelly21 Posts: 17 Member
    Haha, it is very awesome! I was a little confused at first but I'm figuring it out as I go! You can do it :) One step at a time! It's all about sacrifice! I hope all the best for you!! Are you doing a small time line or over the next year sort of thing?
  • 21NellyBelly21
    21NellyBelly21 Posts: 17 Member
    4 days and 1 pound ? That's very good progress! Every bit counts!
  • mellym77
    I have just started too. It helps to know that there are lots of other strong chicks going through the same fight as me! Stay strong and focused and I will do the same!
  • PollyFarrell
    PollyFarrell Posts: 3 Member
    Well done. It's my first time here even though I've been using MFP since November. Nice to meet you.
  • jkalnins
    I started using this app about a year ago and then just stopped, I would like to lise 60 pounds, but really am struggling.
  • 21NellyBelly21
    21NellyBelly21 Posts: 17 Member
    Feel free to add me as a friend ladies and gentlemen! I look forward to seeing great progress!!
  • bacave12
    I lost seventy from Aug to Dec then for some reason got really depressed ,stopped losing weight, lost sight of my goal and enjoyed the devils treats lol. I maintain but now its time to kick her down again! Hopefully, another couple months I can meet my goal ;) i know lots lots of chub... you all are doing great because you're here! Friend me to stay in touch :)
  • traymo27
    traymo27 Posts: 2 Member
    I need friends for support too!!
  • PollyFarrell
    PollyFarrell Posts: 3 Member
    I hope you don't mind me sending each of you friend requests. We can support each other if that's ok.
  • 21NellyBelly21
    21NellyBelly21 Posts: 17 Member
    Haha those devil treats are the hardest part of all this. It sucks when my friends want to go out for supper or a birthday party comes up. I fall off the wagon too often. It's time to just say no. We need to gain our will power back and do this :) and it is totally okay to add me as a friend I don't mind because that's what I'm looking for, is friends with great support!!!! Good luck everyone.
  • BooBoo5
    BooBoo5 Posts: 24 Member
    It's hard not to give in to cravings. And for some reason, no matter how hard I try to watch what I eat and how much I eat, I'm not losing anything. I've been in a plateau for several weeks now. Just have to work harder I guess!
  • 21NellyBelly21
    21NellyBelly21 Posts: 17 Member
    At first it is super hard. But once you make a break threw and get into the habits of working out and keep at your calorie goal, things will get easier for you! It is very hard work. But extremely worth it. I couldn't even walk today because I have been pushing my self maybe abit harder than I should. But all I keep in mind is finally fitting those size 3-5 shorts for summer!! It's going to happen because I'm going to make it happen. Your the winner not the weight my dear!
  • LeftHandCyclist
    LeftHandCyclist Posts: 11 Member
    I'm a Colorado cyclist trying to lose weight before some big summertime events. Currently Im down to 171lbs from 178 and attempting to get down to around 157. If I dont lose the weight it will suffer city come those cycling events.
  • 21NellyBelly21
    21NellyBelly21 Posts: 17 Member
    Let's do this together !!! Add me if you need support :) I'm here for Anyone!
  • duffylynnreb
    duffylynnreb Posts: 51 Member
    I need to lose 30 by July 4th
  • swahine
    Am trying to lose 20 by march 28 th (which I know won't happen but is a goal) we will lose together! !
  • Marxytron
    Add me :)