New to the Group

I am new to this group. Overall, I want to lose about 80 pounds. I have been feeling discouraged because I started off strong, lost eight pounds, but I've hit a plateau. I feel this is a great place for us to support and encourage each other! :smile:


  • jasoncollins79
    jasoncollins79 Posts: 44 Member
    Welcome. Add me for extra support. You got this!
  • criggins26
    criggins26 Posts: 4 Member
    You've been added. Thank you and good luck with your journey as well. :smiley:
  • Hi, I'm new too. Want to lose 20 pounds but can't find the motivation at all. Using working full time and running household as excuse for not exercising regularly and looking after my diet
  • Vedette_29
    Vedette_29 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi, I'm in the same boat. I want to lose 80lbs, too! Let's support each other!! I lost 10 already but hit my plateau too. :)
  • eddied91
    eddied91 Posts: 33 Member
    Hi, feel free to add me, i had 75 pounds to lose, lost 39 so half way there :)
  • Vedette_29
    Vedette_29 Posts: 4 Member
    Great job so far Eddie!! thanks added you as a friend. met my personal trainer today he kicked my butt it is so awesome.
  • shanahtehya
    shanahtehya Posts: 50 Member
    I will add you I have 101 to go!
  • Btbeam
    Btbeam Posts: 252 Member
    Welcome. I have lost 117 with 133 to go. Just keeping pushing forward and making each day the very best you can. Anyone can feel free to add me as well
  • Hi. I am Lisa. I have tried all fad diets and even had a gastric bypass. However, i have gained the weight back. I am extremely obese and i cant stop eaying. This is my last chance at this weight thing...
  • JoRolleNola
    JoRolleNola Posts: 152 Member
    I understand u. I'm trying to lose 100 lbs. I have faith we can do this.
  • Vedette_29
    Vedette_29 Posts: 4 Member
    Yes we can (*)
  • Vedette_29
    Vedette_29 Posts: 4 Member
    Finally broke thru my plateau...Finally!!! Lost another 2lbs, hopefully the weight will start dropping off.
  • LuckyMe2017
    LuckyMe2017 Posts: 454 Member
    Same goal and same thing happened to me in October. I fell off diet in December but started back up December 31. I have lost 18 pounds since then. Just be consistent and the weight will begin to drop. Best wishes!