Looking for beginning support for obese woman

I have always been overweight. Even as a child. I topped out, 2 years ago, at 230. However only being a 5 foot tall woman, I was not only short, but obese too. I've been frustrated that I haven't been able to find other woman like me who wish to change their lives. I have always been relatively happy; and I used to justify it by telling people, who commented on my weight, that I was just fat and happy. I'm super healthy too, other than being fat. I had to have detailed blood tests last year for an unrelsted issue. The doctor said my blood panel was surprising perfect. She said she was even jealous because her being 5'9" and a bean pole, her lab results were not nearly as good as mine.

I had my son 18 months ago, his room is upstairs and mine is down. I knew I had to make a change when I would walk up and down one flight of stairs and become winded and out of breath. I knew something had to change.

Ive always eaten healtier foods; my main food issue has been portion size. I love to cook and I make everything from scratch. I started actually weighing things out, counting things, meauring portions, etc. Most days I've been Eating 6 smaller meals/snacks a day unstead of 2 or even 3 big meals. I even started working out daily; and I really hate working out.

In the past year I've been able to lose 50 lbs and actually keep it off. I'm down to 182. I want to lose an additional 50 lbs still but have tons of time to get it! I'm not placing any major goals for that big of a weight loss on myself cause chances are, I wouldn't stick to it.

Would love to team up with some people. Mainly newbies. To hold each other accountable and help each other reach our goals... Together.



  • lesteidel
    lesteidel Posts: 229 Member
    1) possibly consider getting help and motivation from someone who may be further in their journey than you, you can learn from their mistakes and they won't quit when the going gets rough or encourage you to quit.

    2).fantastic for you that you are making healthy changes! :)

    3). You need to experiment with exercise and find one you enjoy. You won't stick Long term with something you hate. Play with it. Try hula hooping, dancing, walking, wii, anything that gets your body moving and heart rate up is exercise. It doesn't have to be an awful experience.
  • sslutes
    sslutes Posts: 12 Member
    Hi Crissy
    You are doing amazing ! Would be happy to join you with this weightloss journey .Just reading sounds like you are right on track - I can use some inspiration from you.
  • sammib929
    sammib929 Posts: 13 Member
    Hello! I am looking to lose around that much weight too but also am looking at the goal of just being healthier in general. You are doing great and would love to work with you to stay motivated.
  • sue61802
    sue61802 Posts: 26 Member
    sounds to me like you are doing great. keep it up and be proud of yourself.
  • chili_bear
    Thank you Sur
  • chili_bear