Nightly Sweet Cravings

Anyone have ideas or help with this? Around 6pm after dinner I want something sweet and It usually ends up being like 200 calories! I don't know how to curb it!


  • Codilee87
    Codilee87 Posts: 509 Member
    edited February 2015
    I'm having a hot chocolate tonight. Last night I had a piece of chocolate cake. Some nights I just have a cup of tea with honey. Make it fit :)
  • Try dates. They usually work for me and it doesn't take a lot to curb your sweet tooth.
  • SunflowerCat74
    SunflowerCat74 Posts: 258 Member
    Try the usual: Brush your teeth, eat a piece of fruit, drink a few cups of water or have a small piece of hard candy. I still eat chocolate, but only a small piece to take the edge off. Tonight I have a deficit and I'm going to treat myself to a few pieces. :o
  • I chew sugar free bubble gum... My favorite is the starburst juicy fruit... It curbs it for me... 1 piece of hard candy works too... The gum is nice tho bc i chew it until the flavor runs out... And it gives me the "chewing" part
  • Decaf coffee works too with truvia and a little cream
  • RMedina723
    RMedina723 Posts: 4 Member
    Codilee87 wrote: »
    I'm having a hot chocolate tonight. Last night I had a piece of chocolate cake. Some nights I just have a cup of tea with honey. Make it fit :)

    Thank for the advice. I try to make lower cal sweets :) but I have such a hard time with it!
  • RMedina723
    RMedina723 Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks for all of the advice. I try to drink some green tea with some honey. Sweets are my weakness! Sometimes I feel like I just work out to eat them
  • justine_grimm
    justine_grimm Posts: 10 Member
    Sometimes I do a tablespoon of peanut butter or cashew butter. That seems to work ok for me or fruit like a pineapple.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    Are you going over your deficit with the 200 calories? That is quite a small dessert anyway.