Sugar in fruit

cdake60 Posts: 3 Member
edited September 27 in Health and Weight Loss
Seems like I am always waaayyyy over on my sugar intake for the day-mostly from fruit or milk. It doesn't seem like these food choices would be bad and I don't drink soda, put sugar in my coffee, or eat other sugar swetened food. Is anyone else having this problem, suggestions?


  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    Lactose or fructose aren't detrimental sugars to your body since they're not processed or refined sugars. Depending on if you're on a specific sugar restriction, I'd say it's okay to be a bit over on it if it's coming from fruit or milk.
  • Without seeing your diary - and exactly how much fruit and milk you're eating - it's hard to say. Have you considered sweeter veggies? Carrots, peas?
  • Holton
    Holton Posts: 1,018
    As long as I am not eating white sugar, I try not to stress over sugar from fruit or milk (assuming I am not eating an unreasonable amount of either). Hope this helps.
    JBRENTLINGER Posts: 160
    Too much sugar is not good for you period. The sugar you are ingesting is better than processed sugar, but it is still spiking your insulin levels a bit. Everything in moderation is my mantra.

    Personally, to aid my weight loss I have cut out all dairy because of the sugars and most fruit. I still eat lemons and limes. By no means am I saying this could work for you, but it has for me.
  • spcr0428
    spcr0428 Posts: 51
    I've heard the sugars in yogurt are "eaten" due to the enzymes and bacteria.. Is this true?

    Also; fruit has fiber; I've heard that fiber isn't really counted as a carb...
  • otr12
    otr12 Posts: 632 Member
    I have the same problem. My solution, for me, is to put off worrying about it until later.

    I removed Sugar from view in my Food Diary and replaced it with Fiber. And I manually upped my Sugar a little bit in my Goals to 30 grams a day. The only time I see my sugar now is in my daily summary on my Droid.

    I've learned that I get too stressed out when I'm over on something (like sugar) and can't figure out how to eat my remaining calories. I stand in the kitchen, confused and frustrated, and just give up and don't eat at all, which is counter productive to the bigger goal.

    I'm still fairly new to not eating whatever crap tastes good. I've leared that I have more success, and less stress, if I pick my battels. The more healthy corrections I learn to live with the easier it is to take on new battles. I'll attack my sugar when I'm better at eating the right carbs, meet my protien quota and get over my fear of fat. But honestly, by the time I do that there probably wont be much of a sugar problem left to deal with. When I'm further along in my progress I'll deal with my artificial sweeteners. I never had a sweet tooth in my life until I gave up being a drunk 4 months ago. I've put a band aid on that by allowing myself a Chewy Chocolate Chip Pure Protien bar every night before I go to bed.

    I know I can switch to healthy eating but I'm choosing to do it slowly so it will feel like a lifestyle change and not a huge restriction. I know my limitations and I can't change overnight with any permanency. Sorry for being so long winded. I always have hope that if people know my experience it will help them. If no in other way just to know they're not alone.
  • otr12
    otr12 Posts: 632 Member
    I switched from skim to unsweetened almond milk. It has 0 sugar.
  • shaheerahs
    shaheerahs Posts: 79 Member
    I am a diabetic and I can vouch that eating too much sugar from fruit effects me in the same way as if had too much refined sugar. Even though its natural sugar it still effects your blood sugar, insulin, etc.

    I'm no nutritionist, but I don't think going over a little because of fruit is that big deal, but if you are going way over all the time you should probably trade out done of the fruit you eat for vegetables or eat fruits that are lower sugar.
  • dawnrenee567
    dawnrenee567 Posts: 292 Member
    "I switched from skim to unsweetened almond milk. It has 0 sugar. "

    How is the taste?
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