Calorie intake confusion..

I enjoy the food diary tool and I love how it has everything I can think of in there that I eat and its nutritional value. I work out 3-4 times a week. I mostly do weights but am gradually uping my cardio usage for obvious reasons. To meet my goal in weight loss Im allowed 1650 calories aday. Whats throwing me off is somedays I go over the protein intake but come way under the fat allowed area and about a couple hundred calories short on my limit. What gets me is if Im at my limit for carbs and I want to have a handful of almonds thatll put me way over my allowed Carb intake but still under my calorie allowance.

Im still new so excuse me for how that reads.


  • l3ugjuice
    l3ugjuice Posts: 233
    Think of it like this: Calories are the rule, everything else (fat, carbs, protein, alcohol, sodium, sugar, etc) is more of a guideline.
  • FitnessFreaky
    Think of it like this: Calories are the rule, everything else (fat, carbs, protein, alcohol, sodium, sugar, etc) is more of a guideline.

    I never thought of it like that, thank you very much that helps a ton!
  • Holton
    Holton Posts: 1,018
    It is a rare day that my nutritional information looks "perfect". I shoot to stay close to my calorie goal and do watch my fat, sugar, and sodium intake as they trigger weight gain for me. You just cannot stress over it (as stress can add to weight gain as well). Look at the numbers as a guide, or a range and it will definitely get easier over time, as you eat healthier and can see what adds up to what. Good luck to you.
  • copperdave
    copperdave Posts: 146
    I wouldn't worry at all about going over on fiber or protien. Hard to do any damage there.
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    Or you could customize your nutrient goals so that you can meet specific numbers in your carbs/fat/protein ratio.
  • jeseka619
    jeseka619 Posts: 21
    This all depends on your body. For me, I can not look at calories alone. If I go way over on sodium or carbs, I don't lose weight really. So, just pay attention to your body and go from there. I think if you are over on your protein, that is fine. Also, if you are over your sugar and/or carbs - look at why. For example, I am always over my sugar because I eat a lot of fruit. For me, that is okay - natural sugar/carbs are better than being over bcause of cake, pasta, bread, etc. I find that the suggested levels on MFP for sodium are just way too high.
  • FitnessFreaky
    This all depends on your body. For me, I can not look at calories alone. If I go way over on sodium or carbs, I don't lose weight really. So, just pay attention to your body and go from there. I think if you are over on your protein, that is fine. Also, if you are over your sugar and/or carbs - look at why. For example, I am always over my sugar because I eat a lot of fruit. For me, that is okay - natural sugar/carbs are better than being over bcause of cake, pasta, bread, etc. I find that the suggested levels on MFP for sodium are just way too high.

    Thats exactly why my carb intake goes over, I started juicing and I throw in a banana, a cup of blueberries, 5 strawberries, spinach and blend it with Half calorie/half sugar OJ and on top of that I eat two apples a day.

    After all that my carb intake is about maxed..
  • jeseka619
    jeseka619 Posts: 21
    Then I wouldn't worry about going over your carbs b/c of fruit/veggies! If it was cake and chips... that's another story! Good luck! :happy: