Brand spanking new!

Hello everyone. I've been struggling with my weight all my life and at one point lost 40lbs and felt great about myself. I got married and things just went in reverse and gained it all back and then some. Some days I feel fabulous but deep down inside I hate the image of myself I've allowed myself to be. There were no resolutions this year which is odd, I've kind of just been going with the motions for awhile now.. I work night shift so all I basically do is work, sleep, and eat. It's hard to get out the habit. Any who I own a spin bike and some jillian michaels videos and it's time to put them to use. I want to start off with some yoga as too I think it will help with stress and because I enjoy stretching my body. So here's to my weight loss beginning and moving in a forward path. Please feel free to encourage and post also add me as a friend.


  • Good luck here's to getting back on track. Im trying to do the same. I know its rough but starting is the first step.
  • Thanks you too!! Making my motivational poster as we speak.. Lol or text