Looking for friends to support through the plateau

I'm new to the myfitnesspal message boards, but like a lot people I've hit a plateau with my weight loss. I'm looking to share ideas and support to push through this.

Does anyone have any tips on how to get my weight loss moving again? I've been the same now for 3 weeks and I'm not sure where to go from here.

Be great to swap recipes/exercises with people.


  • I've found that the best way to bust through a weight loss plateau is lifting weights and focusing on maintenance for a while. I helps me make some gains that will make exercise easier in the future (and is just generally good for you), and it's both a mental break from dieting and a break for your body, which may have adjusted to the lower calorie intake.
  • argilreath
    argilreath Posts: 1 Member
    I've found that when I hit a plateau that I have to stay away from carbs & sugar for a while to break through. Even if MFP tells me I have the calories I have to avoid those foods to get rolling again.
  • hortensehildegarde
    hortensehildegarde Posts: 592 Member
    eat less for a little while, tighten up the logging and it'll pick up again.

    Though I would agree that taking a break and eating at maintenance does seem to make it easier to get back to a deficit, at least for me. I usually eat at maintenance/over a few times a week, just keep the weekly averages down in a deficit.

    3 weeks also isn't very long, it could just not have been long enough. But really dropping intake a little and reassessing your logging to make sure it is as accurate as possible is always good when one perceives a stall.