How do you keep your energy up?

I don't know if is the dieting or cutting out coffee or soda's - i caved and had a little yesterday -- but whatever it is , today I can not seem to keep going. I had a full nights sleep about 7 hours. When I first woke up I felt great but I have crashed pretty hard and its only lunch time.

How do you all keep your energy up while still making good choices?


  • rosieflo
    rosieflo Posts: 218
    It's finding a mix of carbs/protein that works for you! Also, make sure you are taking a good multivitamin. I notice a big difference if I'm not taking one. And, I know that no one wants to hear this, but exercise truly does breed energy. Maybe go for a 15-20 minute walk if you day allows? :) Oh, and of course, just make sure you are eating at least 1200 calories (roughly) a day! :)
  • avninjalette123
    avninjalette123 Posts: 129 Member
    I'd like to see peoples answers too! I am fighting to stay awake all day but can't sleep at night >.<
  • nmp1994
    nmp1994 Posts: 96
    Healthy snacks (fruits & veggies) every 2-3 hours, with lots of ice cold water! Lean protien at meal time....GOOD LUCK
  • kdsmith
    kdsmith Posts: 250
    Lots of water, if I get dehydrated I get so tired. Also, I find that I have more energy if I eat some extra protein with each meal instead of just carbs.
  • sweetiepie31612
    sweetiepie31612 Posts: 240 Member
    LOTS of water - Even if I haven't finished cup of water, I'll get up and go to the kitchen and get colder water. The getting up and moving, along with the cold, helps keep me awake. I also eat a handful of nuts mid-morning (10:30is) and another handful mid afternoon (3ish) in addition to my regular breakfast and lunch.
  • allisoncook87
    allisoncook87 Posts: 160 Member
    Vitamin B-12
  • bruceseverson
    I cut out sodas (especially the dark sodas because of the phosphorus), but I still have a large cup of coffe in the morning. I have been cutting back on that lately as my energy level increases naturally due to the weight loss and the increased fitness level. Listen to your body. Sudden changes can be very difficult. Cut yourself some slack and taper off the caffeine gradually. Also, I eat between 1/3 and 1/2 of my daily calories for breakfast, a light lunch, and more for supper. That seems to carry me well through the day without fatigue, especially if I drink a lot of water. If you want to friend me, my food diary is open to see. Good luck! Bruce

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  • aanddplusoanda
    aanddplusoanda Posts: 189 Member
    I get a full nights rest, drink lots of water, eat a lot of fruits and veggies. I also try to stay away from sugars as much as possible except for natural ones found in fruit. I also cut out a lot of fat. I also get more energy by exercising every day. I do notice that when I "take a break" and eat not so great I feel sluggish but exercise fixes that.
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    Start by eating a filling and protien or fiber rich breakfast. Have snacks every couple of hours and try to include some fruit around mid-day. (It's especially effective, I find, to have with my sandwich or lunch- I get the sugar hit without a giant crash).
  • ladybug0958
    vitimans help me a lot if you are interested in the type I take because I think they are the best in the world email me