women maintaining at 2000 cal/day



  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    5'10, 39, 132Ibs.
    I maintain between 2200 and 3000 calories a day.

    I take 5 x hour long boxing classes per week.
    I walk around 5-8 miles most days.
    I also cycle 2-4 hours a week and do some weights circuits/elliptical one day a week.
  • stuffinmuffin
    stuffinmuffin Posts: 985 Member
    Morning! I'm 5'3" and 109lb and maintain at around 2000 cals a day. I'm pretty active generally, I have a Fitbit and on average do about 15000 steps a day. I also work out about 5 times a week, varying from spinning, running, strength classes and HIIT.

    I also love my food so the more calories I have to eat the better! :) For events or ocassions when I need more calories I'll bank some from the week or a few days before. Generally I work to my weekly net calories rather than daily.
  • sola24
    sola24 Posts: 334 Member
    I am 5 feet and maintaining around 1600-2000 calories per day. it has been 6 months I am at 50-51kgs. I am not counting calories anymore and rely on my intuition. Do not exercise much except 4km walk for 5 days a week and occasional pilates and yoga. And small changes in lifestyle including avoiding junk and maintaining a overall healthy diet and active lifestyle.
  • aylajane
    aylajane Posts: 979 Member
    5'5", 130 lbs maintain/slowwww loss on about 2000-2100. Weight lifting heavy 2-3x a week, accessory work and some cardio/walking every day. I wear a fitbit and try to be sure it ends up at 2100-2300 calories burned for the day (without logging workouts or weightlifting - just from step counts). I aim for 18000 steps a day, taking about 4-5 mini walks through the day and sometimes a longer one in the evening.
  • BuoyantSoul
    BuoyantSoul Posts: 117 Member
    I'm a 38 year old woman, 5'8", 61.5 kg (136 lbs.) and maintaining at around 2100 calories a day.

    I do 40-60 mins. of HIIT 3x a week, and 25-60 mins. of intense circuit training with weights 3x a week, with one day of rest. Also, I am breastfeeding a toddler.

    I should mention that even though I'm maintaining my weight, currently I'm losing body fat and gaining muscle. At some point I expect to up my intake and start bulking, probably when I wean my son in a few months.
  • scrapjen
    scrapjen Posts: 387 Member
    I'm 43, 5'6" and just above 150. Still attempting to lose a little more (really, just want to be UNDER 150), but have been staying steady for months. My goal is to stick to 2000 calories a day, but it is hard for me (I'm usually a little over). I'm very active ... admittedly more quantity than quality (usually a couple hours of dedicated activity a day, an hour of zumba, three 20min elliptical sessions. I rarely stop and sit for long). According to my numbers (estimates for calories in/calories out) I should have had some losses (average burn via Fitbit is usually just under 3000 per day). While I record all my eats, I am not good at weighing and measuring food, and although I try to track burn with Fitbit and HRM, estimates can so easily be off.

    It's made me realize this has to be a lifestyle ... as I'm maintaining when I'm hoping to be losing. If/When I do get to goal weight, I can't let up, as what I'm doing now is just keeping me steady!

  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    45 and 5ft 2" - 134lbs
    and maintaining at 2000 :)
    jog 3 - 5 miles 5 days/week - I aim a total of 14000 steps (6 miles) a day between jogging and walking
    I swear by my Fitbit :-D
    plus 3 x strength training (30 mins) per week.
  • 60sPanda
    60sPanda Posts: 303 Member
    I am 5ft 5 - 143 Lbs (aged 46) and maintain at around 2,200 - 2,300 a day (averaged over a week).
    For exercise:
    Swim at least 5 times a week (normally front crawl, fairly fast, 45 minutes or more at weekends)
    3 hours of kung fu per week
    walk an average of 11,000 steps a day
  • michellemybelll
    michellemybelll Posts: 2,228 Member
    still trying to figure my maintenance out. but it's very encouraging to see other short, small framed women maintaining at ~2000 cal/day. I'm currently set to 1900 cal/day, but this week my average is coming out to ~2100. I run daily though (7-10 or so miles/day), and practice hot power yoga a few times a week. so i'm very active.

    oh, i'm also very short. 5'1", and weighing in around 106-108.

    Anyway, makes me happy to see i should be able to keep my intake at 2000 or so to maintain - assuming my activity remains the same-ish. i'll keep monitoring weekly and see what my weight does.
  • ourbabyblog
    ourbabyblog Posts: 6 Member
    Jealous you're all maintaing on more calories, I'm upping mine every week but 1500 seems to be my limit before I gain!
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    edited February 2015
    deleted - posted twice! oops!
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    Jealous you're all maintaing on more calories, I'm upping mine every week but 1500 seems to be my limit before I gain!
    @ourbabyblog how long do you let the gain show for before you cut your calories?? if you cut within a few weeks its too soon to tell, you need to allow a month and see. I will post the link to my maintenance topic so you can see how I reverse dieted up to 2100.
  • FitPhillygirl
    FitPhillygirl Posts: 7,124 Member
    I no loner log my food, but I'm 5'7" and maintaining at 2040 + calories a day.
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    Well, I'm 5'10", 54, and definitely could not maintain on that. My base is 1700 and I usually got a few hundred more from exercise. I've been maintaining for 2 years, so, best of luck to you!
  • Kekekylene
    Kekekylene Posts: 112 Member
    Im 5'3" 35 years old 203lbs. I am currently losing at 2600/day and I do crossfit 5xweek.
  • Kekekylene
    Kekekylene Posts: 112 Member
    Im 5'3" 35 years old 203lbs. I am currently losing at 2600/day and I do crossfit 5xweek.

    Just realized I kind of mis-read the thread lol, but based on what I do now I would assume I would be maintaining around 2000 when I am at a lower weight. :)

  • crystalflame
    crystalflame Posts: 1,049 Member
    5'5", 25 y/o, 125 lbs... I maintain on 1800 if I don't exercise at all and 2000/day if I'm in a regular routine of running 5K 3x a week and lifting 3x a week. Been doing this for two years.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    I have maintained on a range of calories depending on current activity. When I was in the 2000 range I was lifting intensely for an hour 4 times per week and walking 5k at least 3-4 times per week.

    I'm 5'4", 30 years old, 123 lbs.
  • KickboxDiva
    KickboxDiva Posts: 142 Member
    I track 1800-1900 but I figure I might hit 2000-2100 daily. I recently noticed that if you track in grams it is a lot different than measuring in cups and spoons plus any eating out throws everything off. So with that in mind I am getting stricter on measurements but allowing for 2000 on work out days and less on rest days. I've lost 40 lbs in a year but only 10 since July. (7 months!!) But I am getting stronger so that's a plus.
    I lift with a trainer 4 x week and HIIT 3-4x My work life is mostly sitting at the computer. I want to get leaner but don't feel well eating at 1400-1500.
    5'7" 167 43 years old. my pinch test shows BF @ 18% (down from 43)