Weight loss in your 30's



  • Jankatherton
    Jankatherton Posts: 70 Member
    Aviva92 wrote: »
    Aviva92 wrote: »
    just wondering if anyone else notices how much harder it is to lose weight in your 30's vs in your 20's?
    I remember when I was in my 20's and I decided I was going to lose weight I could just drop it like nothing. Now it seems to be sooooo much more work and I have to be sooooo careful with my diet and can't afford a single slip up

    it's not, you just think it is.

    i'm 40 and weigh the same as i did when i was 18, or actually, maybe a little less. it was easy. lost a bunch of weight in my late 30's. when i decided to start tracking on mfp, the weight flew off.

    i have no opinion on 50, but for 30's up to early 40's, people just need to quit making excuses.

    Not making up excuses. I'm grinding away at the gym 6 days a week and seeing no results. I haven't missed a day in over a year and a half but haven't lost a pound. I'm just comparing that directly to how I was in my 20's and I'd casually go to the gym once or twice a week and lose weight while eating whatever I wanted. Just saying there is a obvious difference at least for me.
    I know I need to clean up my diet some more and I'm not making excuses for that. Just saying it wasn't necessary in my 20's

    are you sure you weren't eating less than you think you were in your 20's? as someone else said, the metabolism difference is only like 50 calories a decade. that is not a lot.

    possibly but I really don't think so. I recall eating a lotttt of pizza and drinking a lot of beer haha
  • Jankatherton
    Jankatherton Posts: 70 Member
    Guess I just need to face the music and cut the calories.
  • KylaDenay
    KylaDenay Posts: 1,585 Member
    edited February 2015
    Yes!! I have actually noticed how hard it is now in my 30's. I was able to maintain my weight and never really gained at all in my 20's. Now that I look back I now realize that I was in the clubs all the time, working a restaurant job, walking around the city on weekends, and would go on fad diets once in a while. Now I barely go out anywhere, work an office job and avoid fad diets.

    Soooooo yeah I can see why it was much easier in my 20's.

    oh and I was probably an alcoholic....still maintained weight. Cause CICO I guess.
  • Noelv1976
    Noelv1976 Posts: 18,948 Member
    [quotewayankatherton;10085361"]just wondering if anyone else notices how much harder it is to lose weight in your 30's vs in your 20's?
    I remember when I was in my 20's and I decided I was going to lose weight I could just drop it like nothing. Now it seems to be sooooo much more work and I have to be sooooo careful with my diet and can't afford a single slip up

    It is way more difficult
  • diet counts for far more than gym when you do the maths for calorie:weight. That completely contradicts what i thought for years.

    exercise never made me lose weight - helped me start to get in shape again though. A strict diet did - a lot less carbs and eggs for breakfast. Although those results just started, time will tell.
  • Vcorz
    Vcorz Posts: 75 Member
    Yeah, I was underweight at 5'9 135 pounds until age 37.....now two years later i'm 196 pounds, and my waist is 8 inches bigger....I get a lot of double takes when I meet people I haven't seen in a while.
  • Aviva92
    Aviva92 Posts: 2,333 Member
    Aviva92 wrote: »
    Aviva92 wrote: »
    just wondering if anyone else notices how much harder it is to lose weight in your 30's vs in your 20's?
    I remember when I was in my 20's and I decided I was going to lose weight I could just drop it like nothing. Now it seems to be sooooo much more work and I have to be sooooo careful with my diet and can't afford a single slip up

    it's not, you just think it is.

    i'm 40 and weigh the same as i did when i was 18, or actually, maybe a little less. it was easy. lost a bunch of weight in my late 30's. when i decided to start tracking on mfp, the weight flew off.

    i have no opinion on 50, but for 30's up to early 40's, people just need to quit making excuses.

    Not making up excuses. I'm grinding away at the gym 6 days a week and seeing no results. I haven't missed a day in over a year and a half but haven't lost a pound. I'm just comparing that directly to how I was in my 20's and I'd casually go to the gym once or twice a week and lose weight while eating whatever I wanted. Just saying there is a obvious difference at least for me.
    I know I need to clean up my diet some more and I'm not making excuses for that. Just saying it wasn't necessary in my 20's

    are you sure you weren't eating less than you think you were in your 20's? as someone else said, the metabolism difference is only like 50 calories a decade. that is not a lot.

    possibly but I really don't think so. I recall eating a lotttt of pizza and drinking a lot of beer haha

    i mean, my weight certainly did creep up in my 30's, but i have a feeling i was eating more. in my early 20's i never went to the gym at all. i didn't even join a gym until i was 27. i was a stick. but with how easily i lost it all at close to 40, i think that anyone can do it unless they have an underlying medical condition. just aging isn't a good reason.
  • Jankatherton
    Jankatherton Posts: 70 Member
    Ugggg I can see now after reading these comments that I just need to suck it up . I just don't feel like I'm overeating so it's sooo hard to make any cuts
  • michellemybelll
    michellemybelll Posts: 2,228 Member
    nah i think it's an excuse people tell themselves as they get older. put in the work, and you'll get the results. patience.
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    edited February 2015
    Not really. I was much more active when I was younger, so it probably would *seem* easier than now that I'm 42. Back then, I worked in a warehouse, so I was on my feet all day. I also golfed much more often (walked the course then - I rarely golf now, but ride when I do), bowled on the weekends, played softball, and went out with friends much more often. Now, I'm usually sitting either at a desk or at a bench in the lab. Most of my current exercise is spent lifting, with a little cardio here and there - mostly walking at lunch. When I do go out with friends, we usually end up sitting around, as opposed to really "doing" things. As such, I have to pay much more attention to how much I eat, whereas back then? I'd burn off many many many more Calories normally than I do now.
  • HardcoreP0rk
    HardcoreP0rk Posts: 936 Member
    I feel like its actually a lot easier. I think that maybe stress, lack of options, and lack of time made it harder for me shed pounds when I was in college / early 20s. My late 20s and early 30s have been great for fitness.
  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    I am 30 and I have never had a point in my life where weight would just drop off. I was chubby as a kid & teen, and I had a short period of time when I was 19 that I was pretty slim, but after that it's just been steadily gaining. I tried several times throughout my 20's to eat right & exercise, but ultimately failed to lose weight. I've kept up my workouts for a few years but always struggle with food.

    I'm jealous of people who had a point in their life when they could eat whatever they wanted and not gain, because I never had that.
  • KylaDenay
    KylaDenay Posts: 1,585 Member
    nah i think it's an excuse people tell themselves as they get older. put in the work, and you'll get the results. patience.
    that's the issue for people
  • Khukhullatus
    Khukhullatus Posts: 361 Member
    Ugggg I can see now after reading these comments that I just need to suck it up . I just don't feel like I'm overeating so it's sooo hard to make any cuts

    I think people might be being the tiniest bit harsh. I really haven't noticed much of a difference between now and my twenties, but we all have our own annoyances.

    For you, your age is an issue. For me, I've been majorly slowed down by having moved from a tropical climate to one where that stupid frozen stuff keeps falling from the sky. I'm sure there are plenty of people on MFP who would say "suck it up, snowshoeing rules, go have a snowball fight, but just having taken away the surfing is throwing me off, to say nothing of the five hundred other warm season activities I miss.

    If age is a real stumbling block for you, then that sucks, even if your only real option is to "suck it up."
  • Aviva92
    Aviva92 Posts: 2,333 Member
    edited February 2015
    Ugggg I can see now after reading these comments that I just need to suck it up . I just don't feel like I'm overeating so it's sooo hard to make any cuts

    I think people might be being the tiniest bit harsh. I really haven't noticed much of a difference between now and my twenties, but we all have our own annoyances.

    For you, your age is an issue. For me, I've been majorly slowed down by having moved from a tropical climate to one where that stupid frozen stuff keeps falling from the sky. I'm sure there are plenty of people on MFP who would say "suck it up, snowshoeing rules, go have a snowball fight, but just having taken away the surfing is throwing me off, to say nothing of the five hundred other warm season activities I miss.

    If age is a real stumbling block for you, then that sucks, even if your only real option is to "suck it up."

    I don't view it as harsh at all. It's better to feel in control of your weight than to think that you have zero control over it because of age. Also, as someone who just exited my 30's, it's hard for me to take it seriously when someone says that being over 30 makes it so hard to lose weight when I didn't find that to be the case once I set my mind to actually doing it right.
  • holly55555
    holly55555 Posts: 306 Member
    It's always harder the older you get! I could eat whatever I wanted at 18 and not gain a pound.

    Now at 24, I have to count and monitor every little calorie to get those last 15 lbs off and it is a painfully slow process.
  • sherbear702
    sherbear702 Posts: 649 Member
    I haven't noticed. I lost 30 pounds when I was 27 and it was pretty easy. I've lost almost 20 pounds so far and I'm 30 and it's still pretty easy (as long as I don't over eat and drink too much beer). I'm shooting for another 25 and I'm quite certian I'll be able to get there by the end of summer :)
  • ewhsweets
    ewhsweets Posts: 167 Member
    I think age is an excuse. I dont find it any harder now than it was then, do the work watch what you eat? and DONE! Actually, easier sometimes b/c I have more resources to purchase quality foods in lieu of being a college student and living off Ramen....
  • LeslieB042812
    LeslieB042812 Posts: 1,799 Member
    I'm one of the ones it's always been hard for......I started counting calories when I was 11. In my 20's I can honestly say that the years that I was slim, I ate a lot less. Yes, I would go out for pizza or burgers, probably a lot more often than I do now, but the rest of the time I would eat an apple for lunch or a plain 1/2 turkey sandwich. Maybe it's our appetites that change..... I'm getting much closer to finding a happy balance now (that's the plus that maturity brings!).
  • Deedee1111111
    Deedee1111111 Posts: 66 Member
    I'm finding it easier to lose in my 30s, but I attribute some of that success to having better tools and knowledge than I did in my 20s.

    I agree!