Time for a change =)

Hi, my name is Natalie and I'm new to the site. I love all the cool features and the camaraderie. I could definitely use the support and motivation! I'm going to be 42 in December and I want the rest of my life to be GOOD! You know? I want to feel comfortable in my skin, comfortable wherever I go, and to like myself again. I want to smile. I want my days to be full of smiles. I think the first step in that direction is to get to a healthy weight and start leading a healthy lifestyle. Loving yourself starts there, right? Loving myself and loving life! Those are my goals. I'm 5'3", 210 pounds and my goal weight is 125. I have mini-goals along the way: 199 lbs, 189 lbs, 179 lbs, etc, all the way to 125!!! I'm going to celebrate each milestone! I vow to drink more water, make healthier choices and walk 2 miles a day after work every day that it isn't raining. I know I'm not going to be perfect, and I vow not to hate myself when I make a mistake, but to love myself enough to get back up and keep going! I'd welcome any and all advice, friendships & teamwork. Hello all! =)

(Let's see if this ticker thing works...)


  • TwilaG
    TwilaG Posts: 134
    I will be 42 in October. I am a diabetic. In January my younger brother found out he was a diabetic. It kind of gave me that kick in the butt I needed. If I don't change my girls will be a diabetic too. I started January 15 and have lost 21 pounds so far. I am 5'2" and was at 225 last July. I started mfp at 217. I am still learning but with the help of a lot of friends on here, I will reach my goal. Good luck, you can do it!
  • bruceseverson
    Welcome, Natalie! Yes, the ticker works! (See mine below.) I have been on a weight loss challenge since the end of February, when I joined MFP, and I just reached my 1/2 way goal last week! Feel free to friend me and ask questions or look at my food diary for ideas, if you like. Good luck! Bruce

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • sockmontey
    sockmontey Posts: 19
    Sounds like a great plan!
  • ArtisticGlam
    Welcome! you can do it!
  • slenderncat41
    Thank you everyone for the support! Just having someone say "You can do it!" is very encouraging. =)