How lose 40 pounds in month to 2 month.

I will start off by saying; my grammer/spelling suck! But what im a true person with real life and family. So there wont be no B/S in my story. I have high blood pressure and was taken bencar 40mg a day to control it. I have 21 month year old son I do love more than anything. So I sat back and really thought about what if.... both parents of mine have passed at young age and I don't want to. I want to be the dad for my son he needs and husband my wife needs. Outside of family im field technician and work outside all day. I do work hard so this might have a lot to do with my rapid weight lose. What im getting at is; you see all these damn commercial on tv saying this and telling you to do that... I said hell with that im going my own route and taking. MyFitnessPalwith me doing my own. Here how I do it;

100% Whey Protein Powder -Frosty Chocolate, 2 scoops ,2 Banana, 1 Dannon -Yogurt -Light & Fit Nonfat Raspberry, 1 Container 6 oz. Two cups water and blend. Its not bad at all. This is for 2 people and make around 40oz. 285 calories.

Workout for 45 mins. 10 on the bike level 12 and 10 mins of hill climb at 11% with 3.4 for speed. I mix it up at first bike then weights and etc then to treadmill.

Lunch is lean cuisine with calories beeing from 200-300 range. With ine 100 calorie snack pack we all know about.

Dinner can be a lot things but I try keep it around 400 calories but weight watchers books got great recipes for thing for low calories. I really like turkey burgers myself. I wish was easier share what I do on daily bases but its not.


  • juicedvette
    juicedvette Posts: 11
    Ask me anything you guys/gals want and ill be strait up about it. Hydroxycut I do take. Does help I dunno does not bother me so it might play a factor too.
  • Axy6830
    Axy6830 Posts: 10 Member
    Good for you. Should be proud of yourself.
  • skinnyme125
    skinnyme125 Posts: 396 Member
    That adds up to only 1100 calories a day and then you work out on top of that. That scares me that you are not getting enouph calories. I would not do that for two long as this will not be easily maintained and you could end up gaining back. I know it is a great way to lose weight fast at first but just be careful. I would hate to see you end up frustrated over this in the end.
  • 512cheangela
    512cheangela Posts: 133
    Let me start by saying that I am not criticizing you, I'm really honestly concerned. Hydroxycut and blood pressure issues are a dangerous combination. It's been awhile since I've picked up a frozen meal, but from what I remember Lean Cuisine is pretty high in sodium too. I love what you said about family -- very noble. They are lucky to have a papa/hubby that loves his family like you do!!
  • Hottness4Lyfe
    Hottness4Lyfe Posts: 321 Member
    That's AWESOME!!!! Your good lifestyle habits will carry on to your son. :happy:
  • juicedvette
    juicedvette Posts: 11
    Also was going add most people see people loosing weight that fast must be big person. Not true. Yes bigger people do seem drop it faster but im 6 4 was 282 now im 245 and dropping.
  • juicedvette
    juicedvette Posts: 11
    No hard feeling people I do try keep it at 1200 calories after workout so I might add something here and there. I have not felt better and my blood pressure is 100% under control with taken hydroxycut. Not busting anyones balls or anything but this works for me. All im getting at. But with this app after I stop eating super diff I will ease my self back and use the app more for control.
  • juicedvette
    juicedvette Posts: 11
    For me salts not real big issue since I sweat all day long. Im in sun/snow/rain/ice. Does help me keep hydrated better.
  • skinnywithin
    skinnywithin Posts: 1,392 Member
  • juicedvette
    juicedvette Posts: 11
    Sorry if people take me wrong way but im saying this works for me and im staying healthy. Im noy throwing up or sick to my stomach or crap like that. I say its all mind control and I got mine whipped! After quit smoking for 10 years cold turkey I can about do anything. That was also for my son. Who wants a smoking cig dad? I don't! Lol