Stay at home mom needing to lose 50+ lbs.

Hello, I'm a stay at home mom looking for friends for support and encouragement. I need to lose 50 lbs. I am currently 190ish at 5 ft 8. I haven't been able to lose the baby weight and have gained some extra since my daughter was born over two years ago. If there are any stay at home moms with the same issues and want to have a partner to fight this battle with please befriend me! Or even if there is anyone that wants to receive and lend support!


  • Tblackdogs
    Tblackdogs Posts: 324 Member
    I'm not in your situation now but when my kids were little I had every excuse in the book to not lose weight. The former me would tell you to get out and walk every day, twice a day! Walk to coffee shops, walk to the library, walk around the block. Your daughter will enjoy it (or will learn to enjoy it) and it will be so good for you. Also make sure you are getting enough sleep even if you have to nap when she naps. And finally, if I had had MFP when my kids were little I would have been thrilled - both for the ease of logging and the awesome and supportive community here. Make losing the weight your job. Check in here often and you will be successful. Good luck and enjoy every minute with that little one. They grow up fast!
  • Hi there, I'm in a similar situation. I'm also 5 ft. 8 in. tall and need (and really want to by this summer) lose quite a bit of weight. Let's be friends!:) Encouragement is wonderful and there's strength in numbers! Have a great day!
  • mariastokes201580
    I'm a stay at home mom too. It's hard. If you want to talk, send me a request. I'll be your friend.
  • keke4725
    keke4725 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi. I'm going down the same road as you. Friendship is a powerful tool. Feel free to add me.
  • LDunham04
    LDunham04 Posts: 32 Member
    Hello everyone! Thank you for the replies, friend requests and encouragement! I'm new to this whole thing so I'm not quite sure how to reply to each of your comments. I've been using MFP for about three yrs on and off but this is my first time posting. I had success before becoming pregnant with my daughter but its went all downhill since then. I tell myself that I'm really going to do it this time but for some reason or another I quit. It's very depressing to be overweight and not be able to do all the activities my daughter wants to do because I'm so tired all the time with no energy and I have trouble with my knees. I'm only 29 and I shouldn't be experiencing these ailments!
  • Hipnotika
    Hipnotika Posts: 69 Member
    Hello there, i'm not as tall as you lol i'm only 5'1 but i'm also struggling to lose the baby weight. I'm a mother of 3, ages 3,1, and 2 month old. I need to lose at least 30 lbs but its been really hard for me, i'm a SHM as well but my kids keep me busy its hard to find time to exercise but i try every day, feel free to add me.
  • belinda0776
    Hey there.... I'm a working, recently single mom of two fantastic kids! I've got 50lbs to loose & I've decided to do this by changing my life! I've lost track of too many things & my body has exploded! My commitment is to stay on food track with this & get 30 min of exercise in 5 times a week... I have this linked to my fitness pal & love it... I just have to do it consistently ... Any help or loosing friends woukd be great!
  • LDunham04
    LDunham04 Posts: 32 Member
    This maybe the dumbest question but how do I send a friend request? Help anyone?
  • bonniebonboo
    bonniebonboo Posts: 15 Member
    Hi there, stay at home mom here that needs to lose 50+ lbs too!!! 5'8 and just too much weight around those darn hips! Feel free to add me :-)
  • emrickdelaney
    emrickdelaney Posts: 1 Member
    I have the same question - how do I send a friend request?
  • Hipnotika
    Hipnotika Posts: 69 Member
    Go to your friends list on MFP and hit the + sign, you have to add that person manually by their username ect
  • LDunham04
    LDunham04 Posts: 32 Member
    Thanks CaMelo1213 !
  • Hipnotika
    Hipnotika Posts: 69 Member
    You're welcome! We can do this!!!
  • TristanMagleby
    I would love to join in and get some support too! SAHM/WAHM with two little boys, 5'6", 180 lbs.