Switching focus?

have any of you switched your focus? I'm starting to get discouraged with weight loss after a month, so I was thinking of switching to maintenance and focusing on my fitness and being in shape for a month, then working on both.


Is this completely insane?

We are heading into Lent (I'm a catholic) so I'm going to have restricted meals as it is, and I usually lose weight this time every year without trying.

I'm not talking a binge, or stopping my logging, just putting my first focus on fitness versus the scale for awhile.

24 yo female.
Starting weight of 190.4
Weight currently 175.4
Goal weight of 155-160
5'7.5" tall
Current calorie intake of 1300-1480


  • SergeantSausage
    SergeantSausage Posts: 1,673 Member
    edited February 2015
    I'm shifting, at the end of this month, from losing fat (Down 55-60 pounds, give or take daily fluctuations) to bulking muscle - intentionally putting on weight with the goal of 12 to 15 gain of lean muscle mass by the end of the year.

    Not discouraged, it's just time. Body fat is where I want it - see profile pic - but I got a little too lightweight getting there and would like just a bit more of my size back, without all the beer gut and moobs and the like.
  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    I've only "shifted" in the sense that my goals are lower. Meaning instead of a lb a week, half a lb a week is okay by me. One month seems awfully early to already have lost spirit in your pursuit of weight loss. I'm guessing it's due to your way too low calorie goal, especially if you don't eat back your exercise calories.
  • pmcclorey
    pmcclorey Posts: 11 Member
    No I am not eating back my exercise calories. I haven't completely lost my spirit to lose weight, just not as excited as before. And I'm starting to realize how out of shape I have been, and that needs to change.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    I think it's an ok plan but possibly quite early in your journey after just a month

    I've moved to maintenance in the last 2 weeks ...because I hit my initial goal at month 8, I'm finding it quite difficult because my aim was always to keep calorie counting and I'm still happy to see defecits in my weekly chart

    I think it's just another learning curve learning to do this succesfully, not helping that weight is up 2lbs but most likely due to exercise/sodium so I'm trying to ride it out and see where I am in another month

    I might go back to a defecit to get a comfortable 10lbs below my initial goal and then go up again ...but at the moment I'm working on my psyche with regards to achieving and sticking at maintenance calories ..and my main goal is building the strength to master a pull-up...just the one would do ..heck even falling with grace would do at the moment
  • cheshirecatastrophe
    cheshirecatastrophe Posts: 1,395 Member
    edited February 2015
    pmcclorey wrote: »
    I'm not talking a binge, or stopping my logging, just putting my first focus on fitness versus the scale for awhile.

    Okay, so what are you talking? Shifting your target (in MFP) from losing 2 lbs/week to losing .5-1 pound a week? Honestly, that would probably go a long way towards making you feel more enthusiastic about the whole process. My *baseline* goal is 1350 calories right now, PLUS eating back for my exercise--and I'm 50+ pounds lighter than you, and shorter. You have got to be either really hungry a lot of the time, or feeling the physiological and psychological effects of hunger.

    And what is your plan for focusing on fitness? Lift heavy? Join a roller derby league? I mean, either way you are going to need to fuel that...

    If you give us some specifics on how you're planning to go about switching your primary focus, we can offer good suggestions on how to increase your fitness while continuing to lose weight. :) After all, that precise combination is what a good chunk of the people on MFP are here for.
  • Jolinia
    Jolinia Posts: 846 Member
    I'm trying to worry about my long term health, fitness, and energy levels right now than losing the last bit of love handles. Besides, my saddlebags came in handy today when I tried to rollerblade and landed on my rump!
  • blankiefinder
    blankiefinder Posts: 3,599 Member
    pmcclorey wrote: »
    have any of you switched your focus? I'm starting to get discouraged with weight loss after a month, so I was thinking of switching to maintenance and focusing on my fitness and being in shape for a month, then working on both.


    Is this completely insane?

    We are heading into Lent (I'm a catholic) so I'm going to have restricted meals as it is, and I usually lose weight this time every year without trying.

    I'm not talking a binge, or stopping my logging, just putting my first focus on fitness versus the scale for awhile.

    24 yo female.
    Starting weight of 190.4
    Weight currently 175.4
    Goal weight of 155-160
    5'7.5" tall
    Current calorie intake of 1300-1480

    Maybe you could just switch your goal to .5 lbs per week, and add in the focus on health and fitness? That's where I set mine 6 months ago, and I lost much quicker than the .5 in the end, with all the cardio and strength training.
  • pmcclorey
    pmcclorey Posts: 11 Member
    pmcclorey wrote: »
    I'm not talking a binge, or stopping my logging, just putting my first focus on fitness versus the scale for awhile.

    Okay, so what are you talking? Shifting your target (in MFP) from losing 2 lbs/week to losing .5-1 pound a week? Honestly, that would probably go a long way towards making you feel more enthusiastic about the whole process. My *baseline* goal is 1350 calories right now, PLUS eating back for my exercise--and I'm 50+ pounds lighter than you, and shorter. You have got to be either really hungry a lot of the time, or feeling the physiological and psychological effects of hunger.

    And what is your plan for focusing on fitness? Lift heavy? Join a roller derby league? I mean, either way you are going to need to fuel that...

    If you give us some specifics on how you're planning to go about switching your primary focus, we can offer good suggestions on how to increase your fitness while continuing to lose weight. :) After all, that precise combination is what a good chunk of the people on MFP are here for.

    1300-1480 is where my calorie goal is right now for losing 1lb a week. I live a sedentary lifestyle I believe. The actual goal is 1480, but I tend to stick around 1300. I do not log the 2 hours of walking a day I do (Just the walking, nothing else during that time) or the 3x a week that I do sit ups and push ups and leg lifts for a half hour. I am struggling with being hungry, but Im finding alot of it is thirst hunger where I can drink a bottle of water and be fine for another 2 hours or so.

    My plan for focusing on fitness is to do some lifting (I have 2 10lb weights and a 25lb baby that I can lift) and be able to jog or run. I have COPD, so I am trying to work on things that help my lungs get stronger. So just generally being more in shape that I am now. Im trying to figure out how to do all of this.

    I right now, do the walking and 3x a week stuff, but I am becoming obsessed with the scale. If the scale isnt showing a movement, I freak out. I would rather be in shape, than have that scale be lower if that makes sense and its mental. So I wonder if I eat at maintenace, do not add any exercise in my log (but still do it) if I can manage to get in shape and get away from the scale obsession.
  • cheshirecatastrophe
    cheshirecatastrophe Posts: 1,395 Member
    edited February 2015
    Gotcha! Yeah, fixating on the scale is no fun. Two hours of walking a day is really impressive, especially with COPD! (I was at my lowest stable adult weight when that was all my physical activity, in fact.)

    Your plan makes sense and I'm always a fan of eating more. :) You ABSOLUTELY can get in better shape while not trying to lose weight. I mean, a significant number of people end up gaining weight while training to run a marathon (by accident--by not keeping track of what they're eating).

    I guess my one concern is that you seem to be hoping switching to maintenance calories kills the scale obsession. Will it? Or maybe you could try taking a break from weighing yourself (regardless of how much you decide to eat)? Just personal experience here, but, the various times I've needed to increase how much I'm eating for various reasons, I get *really* anxious about the number on the scale (even though, as noted above, I like food). That doesn't mean I decide to eat less--it means I have to solve the scale anxiety itself.

    You've probably thought of this, but, definitely ask your doctor for resources on COPD and exercise!
  • mwm158
    mwm158 Posts: 30 Member
    edited February 2015
    I have found that setting very specific low level goals work against me. I focus on just that little goal and ignore other aspects. This time, I set a broad life goal and have done well so far. I'm losing weight, exercising, buying a house, and applying for an MBA. I'm focused on the big picture and letting the plan stem from that. If you want fitness, come up with a plan to address what you want, and go after it.