guidence wth running for the first time please:)

_Jessica_ Posts: 216 Member
I have been over weight my entire life, and now that I ma loosing weight, I would like to start running once I hit wonderland.(18lbs) to go. I have lost 36 pounds so far. I have never been able to run because a) my breasts were so large it hurt to run, b) my throat would hurt so bad from breathing so hard that it was not enjoyable. c) to much weight on my joints...

So, Could some of you give me some tips for starting out, or anyone that used to be heavy let me know how you felt running, or what your strategies were... Thanks so much for the info everyone!!


  • plain_jane
    plain_jane Posts: 49 Member
    start slow. try intervals. I think the reason most people hate running is because they don't work up slowly according to their fitness level. A program like couch to 5K would be a good place to start, but you can do the same thing by just running for short periods with walking between. And invest in a good sports bra! Good luck!
  • sooty0703
    sooty0703 Posts: 14 Member
    I am the same weight as you and am running now. I did the couch to 5k and it is great! It eases you into it. I also have large breasts and wear my regular bra and a sports bra or even 2 sports bras! It really helps! you have to pace yourself. Run slow at the beginning and your speed gets better with time! Also, breathe through your nose and your mouth at the same time and from your belly, not your chest! Hope that helps! Good luck! E-mail me if you need anything else!