
Tvstarbabe Posts: 101
edited September 27 in Health and Weight Loss
how do you know when your anorexic? I mean the general thought is eating nothing at all. I do eat, just not a lot. Some of my friends say that i should stop being anorexic, but I didn't think i was... any input?


  • juliapurpletoes
    juliapurpletoes Posts: 951 Member
    how many calories do you eat a day? does it make you feel bad or guilty to eat?
  • JEK717
    JEK717 Posts: 1,497
    Me too. I eat just not as much as some people. A lot of people call me anorexic but i do eat.
  • Angela4Health
    Angela4Health Posts: 1,319 Member
    Many people use the word anorexic loosely.

    Tell us a little more about yourself. How many calories do you consume daily?
  • anthony438
    anthony438 Posts: 578 Member
    If you're truly concerned, it may just be best to bring it up to your doctor. I'd rather not try to armchair quarterback something that serious.
  • Angela4Health
    Angela4Health Posts: 1,319 Member
    If you're truly concerned, it may just be best to bring it up to your doctor. I'd rather not try to armchair quarterback something that serious.

  • Julianne1222
    Julianne1222 Posts: 4 Member
    I have struggled with anorexia in the past. In my opinion, if you think you may be or may be struggling with obsessive issues surrounding food, you need to get help with it before it takes a serious toll on your health.
  • Anorexics do eat. They wouldn't last for long if they didn't. They typically eat anywhere from 100-800 calories a day. Many have days where they eat nothing at all, but they do eat... eventually. Some even binge then starve/fast (called "non-purging" bulimia). Take this test, and it'll give you an idea of whether you have an eating disorder or not. Anorexia is all about the mind, which makes it possible for even the obese to have it (although, those with healthy, overweight, or obese BMIs are classified as having EDNOS or eating disorder not otherwise specified... but. basically, it's anorexia and or bulimia without being underweight). You could just be under-eating... or you could have a serious issue with food. Either way it's not healthy.
  • Cortez123
    Cortez123 Posts: 78 Member
    If you're truly concerned, it may just be best to bring it up to your doctor. I'd rather not try to armchair quarterback something that serious.

    Completely agree...Concerning health issues, it's best to seek professional help to assure you receive accurate information.
  • Tvstarbabe
    Tvstarbabe Posts: 101
    I eat about 500 to 600 calories a day. Thanks for all the help guys.
  • I took your linked quiz, and apparently I have strong tendencies toward Anorexia- not a surprise- I've fought food one way or another since I was 2. I need friends who are having similar issues because I want to work past some of my food fears.
  • calliope_music
    calliope_music Posts: 1,242 Member
    I eat about 500 to 600 calories a day. Thanks for all the help guys.

    that's not enough to sustain your body's daily functions. the least amount of calories i've heard you can consume is about 1200, but it will vary per person. please talk to your doctor as soon as you can.
  • funkyspunky871
    funkyspunky871 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Me too. I eat just not as much as some people. A lot of people call me anorexic but i do eat.

    That's a common misconception. All anorexics eat at some point. Just because you eat, doesn't mean you don't have anorexia. I'm not saying you do though. Just wanted to clarify.

    Anyways, anorexia hardly has anything to do with the amount you eat. Of course, starving is a major issue, but you could simply just be undereating. Anorexia is a mental disorder -- if you fear food, binge and then restrict/starve/fast, fear gaining weight, exercise excessively, etc. then you might have anorexia. If not, then take this advice and EAT MORE. Trust me. I was just diagnosed with anorexia today, and I'm on my way to recovery... At least, I hope so.
  • DancingYogini
    DancingYogini Posts: 377
    Me too. I eat just not as much as some people. A lot of people call me anorexic but i do eat.

    That's a common misconception. All anorexics eat at some point. Just because you eat, doesn't mean you don't have anorexia. I'm not saying you do though. Just wanted to clarify.

    Anyways, anorexia hardly has anything to do with the amount you eat. Of course, starving is a major issue, but you could simply just be undereating. Anorexia is a mental disorder -- if you fear food, binge and then restrict/starve/fast, fear gaining weight, exercise excessively, etc. then you might have anorexia. If not, then take this advice and EAT MORE. Trust me. I was just diagnosed with anorexia today, and I'm on my way to recovery... At least, I hope so.

    I am so proud of you!! Did you get an official diagnosis? That will help a lot in your at least everyone else in your life will know how to help you tackle this, and that you weren't just throwing around the word "anorexia" for attention (which sadly some people do) :flowerforyou: You will recover!!!! I know it :drinker:

    And, not to discount the OP....I think you need to talk to therapist that specializes in ED's or a nutritionist. If you can nip this in the will have a much better long term relationship with your body and food. If you can start slowly bringing your intake up every week, and make sure it is healthy, non binge triggering foods! Good luck to you and keep us posted!
  • merrycat
    merrycat Posts: 131 Member
    I just did the test and it said that I have a strong tendency towards bulemia - which really surprised me. I don't bing or starve or puke, but I do worry rather about how much I'm eating.

    OP, if you have concerns I'd suggest seeing someone. I really hope you'll find the help and support you need. We're always here for you if you need to vent or just talk ((hugs))
  • I did the quiz and it said I have strong tendency toward Bulimia...which is true. Or was true. I am glad some people have chimed in about the misconceptions of ED. I have struggled with food my whole life and finding balance is really hard. I was diagnosed with an eating disorder in college, but it was a mix of anorexia and bulimia (fasting, restricting, purging, over exercising) and although I rarely purge now, I still constantly think about my weight and what goes in my body (and out, which is totally TMI). 500-600 calories is WAY too little, but I am going to be honest and tell you I was eating around 400-600 for 5 years and maintained my weight....until I suddenly gained 10 lbs for no reason whatsoever.
    I urge you to seek help. Considering you have disordered eating is the first step. Next you need to talk to a friend, a parent, a doctor, anyone. Bringing your concerns to the surface can do wonders.
    I wish you the best of luck, and if you need support feel free to friend me/PM me.
  • StrongHeart
    StrongHeart Posts: 293 Member
    Right now I am very angry. I hate the way I look, I hate the way I hurt and ache, and I hate the fact that I have to eat food to live! Part of me wants to never touch food again. It would be so much easier that way. Why does it have to be so hard for food addicts? …It is NOT fair!! Alcoholics never have to touch drink again, crack addicts never have to touch drugs again, smokers never have to touch tobacco again, but people who are addicted to food do not have the option of abstinence. IT IS NOT FAIR!!!! Why must I be required to return again and again to the very "drug" that is making me so miserable? I am begining to understand how people can be tempted to become anorexic...if they don't put it in their mouth they do not have to worry about calories, fat, sodium or cholesterol....they have chosen to say 'NO' to what used to be their drug of choice.
  • brknllama
    brknllama Posts: 113 Member
    Ever since my dad died when i was 16, i've had a hard time with food. I used to binge ( without the purge) almost everyday in high school. However now, it seems like the opposite i usually only eat about 700 calories, and i feel terrible about eating those, I feel like if i eat anything i will shoot up in weight and i hate it. There is not one time where i do not think about calories every-time i put something in to my mouth.
  • cowlover22
    cowlover22 Posts: 309 Member
    Anorexia isnt all about the is a control thing to. But do you think you are fat even though others tell you you are not? Are you obsessed with counting calories, refuse to maintain a body weight of at least 85%. Do your thought with food, number on the scale and how you look affect your entire life. Why are you eating a small keep your weight down or is it just you normally eat that way? These are just a few very basic things, but you can google it and there are many websites that have all the criteria...
  • cowlover22
    cowlover22 Posts: 309 Member
    Me too. I eat just not as much as some people. A lot of people call me anorexic but i do eat.

    That's a common misconception. All anorexics eat at some point. Just because you eat, doesn't mean you don't have anorexia. I'm not saying you do though. Just wanted to clarify.

    Anyways, anorexia hardly has anything to do with the amount you eat. Of course, starving is a major issue, but you could simply just be undereating. Anorexia is a mental disorder -- if you fear food, binge and then restrict/starve/fast, fear gaining weight, exercise excessively, etc. then you might have anorexia. If not, then take this advice and EAT MORE. Trust me. I was just diagnosed with anorexia today, and I'm on my way to recovery... At least, I hope so.

    I am so proud of you!! Did you get an official diagnosis? That will help a lot in your at least everyone else in your life will know how to help you tackle this, and that you weren't just throwing around the word "anorexia" for attention (which sadly some people do) :flowerforyou: You will recover!!!! I know it :drinker:

    And, not to discount the OP....I think you need to talk to therapist that specializes in ED's or a nutritionist. If you can nip this in the will have a much better long term relationship with your body and food. If you can start slowly bringing your intake up every week, and make sure it is healthy, non binge triggering foods! Good luck to you and keep us posted!
  • julia23
    julia23 Posts: 87
    Just because you don't eat much does not make you anorexic in anyway. It's a mental illness not just about food. If you are worried speak to a doctor like people have said. Feel free to add me if you are worried i suffer from anorexia and bulimia but don't worry i won't be giving out tips or tricks !
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