Prep for Gym?

Just curious...
Do you pack a gym bag, change at the gym and than change back before going home? or do you pack a gym bag change and the gym and than go home? Do you keep the bag in your car and wash it every few days?


  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,483 Member
    I have a bag by the door with gym shoes, hand towel, fresh water bottle, light hand weights for Zumba, and waist scarf for belly dancing. I just pick it up when I leave the house and I am ready for my land fitness.

    I have a separate bag in the bathroom with swimsuit, towel, shampoo, soap, body lotion, goggles, and spare undies.
    All ready for the pool.

    I put the clothes on for whatever I am going to do at home, and change out of them as soon as I am back home and throw them in the laundry basket.
    I work at home, so don't have the predicament of fitting the gym in between home and work.

    Cheers, h.
  • vanillaorange2
    vanillaorange2 Posts: 63 Member
    edited February 2015
    I work nights, so most of the time I leave the house in my work out stuff as well. I take my bag in the house with me every night, so I can add what I need for the next day, If I'm just going home after the gym, I change when I get home. If not I take extra stuff for just that day. I like fresh clothes every time :) my old ones get tanning lotion on them and I were them in the sauna, so they get smelly if left in the car over night.
  • LovingLife_Erin
    LovingLife_Erin Posts: 328 Member
    I have to walk a km to the gym so I usually just change at home and then change/shower when I get home. It gives me a nice warm up and cool down, and I figure there is no point in changing if I'm just walking home anyways. I keep a bag that has by goggles in it (for when I swim), a water bottle, hand towel (I get really sweaty and need a towel when I workout), and my gym card. If I'm swimming, I'll throw in my towel and bra and undies for after (I usually go in the morning so I just put my swimsuit on under my clothes instead of changing again and then need the under bits for after).

    My clothes afterwards go right into the laundry!
  • SFDonovan
    SFDonovan Posts: 72 Member
    Depends if the weather is warm. I can change in my office and leave my bag in the truck at the gym. I just go home ofter the workout and shower at home. If it's too cold I change at the gym and just wear a pair of sweats to go home in.
  • Jakiepaper
    Jakiepaper Posts: 57 Member
    On the weekends I just get ready at home and go. If I'm going after work, in the morning I throw a sports bra, a shirt and a pony tail holder in a bag. Change at the gym, workout then go home, take off workout clothes throw them in the dirty clothes and take a shower.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    I usually go at 6 a.m. I wear my workout clothes there and take my shower stuff and work clothes with me. I usually work out at home and go there once a week so I pack the bag when I need it and don't have doubles of items to keep in there.
  • itsclobberintime
    itsclobberintime Posts: 164 Member
    Change and stretch before, then stretch specific muscles before each exercise depending on the ones involved. I take a gym bag with a towel, water, and wrist straps.