New here

wsubrad Posts: 2
edited September 27 in Introduce Yourself
I'm new on this site. The concept of this site isn't new to me though, I've used SparkPeople and DietPower4 before with some success. Here, I am using my wonderful girlfriend (who ias a very active member of this site and doing great) as motivation to get losing some weight, about 20 pounds. I would be so happy if I could shed those pounds (and inches around my midsection!)


  • guidnca
    guidnca Posts: 64
    I am looking to get rid of the 20 as well. Glad you are here.
  • heathermrls
    heathermrls Posts: 91
    welcome. stick to the goal and you will lose it in no time:)
  • innocenceportrayed
    innocenceportrayed Posts: 569 Member
    I'm going for 40 but everyone has a goal and everyone here is here to help you achieve it.
  • KristineAG
    KristineAG Posts: 36
    Welcome!!!! I'm so glad you decided to join the site. We're already friends. ;-)
  • wsubrad
    wsubrad Posts: 2
    Thanks all! Glad to be here too!
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