Feeling discouraged

hi I'm back on the weight loss journey.. It feels almost impossible to stay motivated more than 3 weeks. But I will try AGAIN


  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    Maybe your weight loss goal is too aggressive. Glad you are back. read this post to get you going


    Best wishes
  • marsella22
    marsella22 Posts: 7 Member
    Thank you! Appreciate it
  • baldheadgirlsrock
    baldheadgirlsrock Posts: 27 Member
    Hey Hey!!!! Cheer up you got this believe in your self
  • TrinNZ
    TrinNZ Posts: 65 Member
    Welcome back! You CAN do it! Just start with small changes like replacing pop with water & lime juice, chips and dip with baby carrots and dip, cake with a sweet piece of fruit etc. If you find it easier to start with cleaning up your diet the first month and not worrying about exercise, then do that! And remember that you have a whole support group here to cheer you on. :smiley: As Tony Horton (P90X) says, "do your best and forget the rest!"
  • rlamons1
    rlamons1 Posts: 10 Member
    I'm back too. This is MFP round 2 for me. One thing I'm doing differently is adding friends and trying to keep up with them daily which in turn helps me feel more accountable for tracking...watching other people's progress is motivating...and celebrating little victorys along the way! Progress...one step at a times...you can do this!
  • mcasas_2000
    mcasas_2000 Posts: 1 Member
    You can do it!
  • Kellykiwi76
    Kellykiwi76 Posts: 14
    edited February 2015
    Hey I'm Kelly :) This is my first attempt at losing weight. I'm two weeks in and third day on here and it's kinda disheartening! Every time I log a food in my calories go through the roof! How I'm supposed to stay below 1200 is beyond me, I feel like I'm going to have to starve myself. I know it's not that bad but that's what it feels like. I'm eating half the amount I used to and I'm still going over my calories by around 500 :(
    P.S. Sorry to burst in on your thread, the title just seemed appropriate :)
  • LeftHandCyclist
    LeftHandCyclist Posts: 11 Member
    Hi Kelly;

    You might try cutting back a little bit at a time - take it day by day. Also I find it helps to eat a decent sized breakfast, smaller lunch, and even smaller dinner. And then after dinner stay disctracted until you go to bed.

  • Hey Rick

    Thanks for the advice :) It's just so hard to change old habits ya know, but yes day by day, hour by hour lol and trying my best to stay distracted till bed :)
  • marsella22
    marsella22 Posts: 7 Member
    i feel so guilty when I go over my calories! Tonight i went over by 163 and im discouraged again lol
  • hey, that's not that bad at all, trust me it could be a lot worse. This is a big lifestyle change we're trying to make so we aren't going to get it right every time. Think back to when you used to go over by heaps, before you started actively trying and feel proud of yourself for the effort you're putting in now. Get back on that horse girl! :smile:
  • Hi there, friends is the key. I have people who are as excited when I lose a pound as I am. Its hard to go it alone thats why we are here...we all behind you on this journey.

  • minionman
    minionman Posts: 308 Member
    marsella22 wrote: »
    i feel so guilty when I go over my calories! Tonight i went over by 163 and im discouraged again lol

    Don't sweat it. Just do better the next day, then the next, you'll get it, just keep it simple. Ps love the sun coming down in your photo.
  • Hi feel free to add me. Looking for friends on this journey! Motivation is the key :) and eating healthy, tasty stuff you enjoy, so you don't end up feeling like you're being punished for dieting!
  • marsella22
    marsella22 Posts: 7 Member
    Thank you all! I am taking it one day at a time.
  • chanell84
    chanell84 Posts: 41 Member
    Hey I'm Kelly :) This is my first attempt at losing weight. I'm two weeks in and third day on here and it's kinda disheartening! Every time I log a food in my calories go through the roof! How I'm supposed to stay below 1200 is beyond me, I feel like I'm going to have to starve myself. I know it's not that bad but that's what it feels like. I'm eating half the amount I used to and I'm still going over my calories by around 500 :(
    P.S. Sorry to burst in on your thread, the title just seemed appropriate :)

    If you try to eat the same foods you always ate and stay under your calories it will not work unfortunately. My calorie goal is 1490 and I can never eat enough food to get to that point. I eat all the time too. I eat things like egg beaters mixed with seasoned ground turkey and veggies for breakfast or protein shakes made with almond milk. For lunch I'll eat a sandwich on light bread with low sodium lunch meat, lettuce and mustard and some apple slices. My dinners consist of things like grilled chicken, veggies and brown rice. I snack in between meals on things like air popped popcorn and greek yogurt. I'm never hungry and I'm losing weight. Choose healthier options and you can eat a lot and not be hungry. I average around 1100 calories a day.
  • HeidiHirtle
    HeidiHirtle Posts: 126 Member
    rlamons1 wrote: »
    I'm back too. This is MFP round 2 for me. One thing I'm doing differently is adding friends and trying to keep up with them daily which in turn helps me feel more accountable for tracking...watching other people's progress is motivating...and celebrating little victorys along the way! Progress...one step at a times...you can do this!
    I agree totally!! I'm doing the same thing this round, and it does make a huge difference. You feel like you're not doing it alone, and it also helps to make your diary public (but be 100% honest), because basically we all make the same slip ups, and it's nice to see that no one is perfect and it gives you permission to be imperfect in your journey too, which serves you well for motivation. :smiley:

  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    marsella22 wrote: »
    i feel so guilty when I go over my calories! Tonight i went over by 163 and im discouraged again lol

    Assuming you log accurately ....
    If you exceed your goal by 163 and have your settings on MFP set to lose one pound per week, you sill had a deficit of 337 calories.
  • t_dawnwhite
    t_dawnwhite Posts: 1 Member
    Welcome back! You've got this!
  • marsella22
    marsella22 Posts: 7 Member
    True! That's why I think I did lose 8 pounds in 2 weeks because I was eating small meals and snacks in between them.. Thank you, I appreciate all the help and advice!
    chanell84 wrote: »
    Hey I'm Kelly :) This is my first attempt at losing weight. I'm two weeks in and third day on here and it's kinda disheartening! Every time I log a food in my calories go through the roof! How I'm supposed to stay below 1200 is beyond me, I feel like I'm going to have to starve myself. I know it's not that bad but that's what it feels like. I'm eating half the amount I used to and I'm still going over my calories by around 500 :(
    P.S. Sorry to burst in on your thread, the title just seemed appropriate :)

    If you try to eat the same foods you always ate and stay under your calories it will not work unfortunately. My calorie goal is 1490 and I can never eat enough food to get to that point. I eat all the time too. I eat things like egg beaters mixed with seasoned ground turkey and veggies for breakfast or protein shakes made with almond milk. For lunch I'll eat a sandwich on light bread with low sodium lunch meat, lettuce and mustard and some apple slices. My dinners consist of things like grilled chicken, veggies and brown rice. I snack in between meals on things like air popped popcorn and greek yogurt. I'm never hungry and I'm losing weight. Choose healthier options and you can eat a lot and not be hungry. I average around 1100 calories a day.