How do you stop overeating/binging?



  • AlciaMode
    AlciaMode Posts: 421 Member
    I keep telling myself that whatever it is that I want right now is not worth giving up what I want in the long run. Then I look at the fattest picture of myself that is on my phone and I put down the junk and pick up an apple.
  • Sheyanne0747
    Sheyanne0747 Posts: 9 Member
    I need help with this too!
  • MickeyCastello
    MickeyCastello Posts: 269
    edited February 2015
    It's kinda hard to help, because your diary is private, so we can't make suggestions as to what and how much you are eating. Some of the things I did to get to goal, and still do in maintenance:
    1.) Ate anything I wanted, as long as if fit into my calorie limits.
    2.) I didn't buy snacks to keep in the house. This way if I wanted something, I would have to cook and do dishes.
    3.) Drink about 16 oz. of water about 20 - 30 minutes before I ate, including my snack time.
    4.) Changed my meal times to 9AM/1PM/6PM and a snack in the 8:30 - 9:30 range.
    5.) Made my dinner where I got most of my protein. This keeps me feeling full longer.
    6.) Set my weigh-in day as a cheat day, but only if I lost weight, and I didn't go over what would be maintenance limits for that day. I think that was a big reason I got there.
    If you want more suggestions, just PM me.
    Good luck!
  • alicaramik2
    alicaramik2 Posts: 71 Member
    Yeah, I would do that too. I would generally eat healthy and then blow it with crazy binges. Like an entire pizza or three huge bowls of mac and cheese. For me, it was an emotional issue and plain boredom. I'm getting better with distracting myself. Especially finding things to do that occupy my hands and mind, like crossword puzzles. Sometimes, I have to get up and leave the room. I'll go sit on my bed, close my eyes and try to concentrate on what is actually bothering me. Then take a few deep breaths and remind myself why I need to lose the weight and what I hope to be able to do once I'm healthy again.
  • neaneacc
    neaneacc Posts: 224 Member
    Eating 5 to 6 meal/snacks should prevent you from being too hungry to control yourself. However, it might be worth it to start a journal/diary of what triggers you to want to eat. I know it sounds weird, but taking the time to write down helps to allow you to face an emotions that may be forcing you to binge. Then you can work on your high stress issues: working late, no sleep, long commutes and so on all contribute to stress which ruins diets.
    I hope this helps!

  • BlxckSwan
    BlxckSwan Posts: 8 Member
    Get rid of any distractions nearby and eat very slowly.
  • LavenderLeaves
    LavenderLeaves Posts: 195 Member
    Like others have already said in this thread, if you're truly binging, there's an underlying reason. Restrictions will only make it worse. Don't think this is something you can turn off like a faucet - accept it will happen again, and that the goal is to figure out how to decrease how much it happens until it's not anymore. Try not to let the next binge be this terrifying, ominous thing hanging over your head, as it can end up contributing to restriction, which just further increases a chance of binging.

    Do not beat yourself up or let yourself feel guilty when it does happen. Binge eating isn't just a case of overeating occasionally, and there's a lot of stuff that goes along with it. There's usually reasons and triggers. If your eating cycles are particularly damaged right now, simply being hungry or having an upset stomach for the day could be triggering in and of itself.

    I'd really suggest looking into self-help books (there's a handful of exceptionally wonderful books aimed at binge eating disorder,) and actively trying to figure out what the root of the reason for the behaviours are.

    I will say that having other people to feel you can share your struggles with helps A LOT. People who will reassure you that a binge isn't the end of the world, and remind you not to give up and your goals can still be achieved. People who you feel very comfortable with and won't make you feel strange or guilty/shamed by what you eat when you binge.

    Eating regularly, satisfying meals imo, is one of the first major steps for curbing any ravenous hunger borne of not eating for the whole day. I know at my worst, I would not eat a thing until well after 5pm, often because my stomach was still sore from a binge the previous night. I kept telling myself I would start eating well the next day, but I was still oddly terrified of food and what I perceived as the power it held over me. Trying to no longer see food as good or bad has helped me immensely.

    If your hunger cues are extremely difficult to recognize, that's something that eating 3-4 times a day will help with A LOT. It took me nearly 3 weeks to fully be able to recognize when I was hungry. I'm still learning to recognize when I'm truly full, and that I don't need to finish everything on my plate.

    I am always open to new friends on here who are actively dealing with BED, or have dealt with it. If any of what I've said rings remotely with you, please feel free to send me an invite or message me if you want to talk about anything.
  • jazzy550
    jazzy550 Posts: 264 Member
    juganaut wrote: »
    I'm stuck in a terrible cycle of eating really well for 4-5 days then BAM - a mindless zombified eating session that sets me back to the start.

    I would be grateful for any tips on how to make this stop!

    The is a billboard here in the town I live in that says, binge eating is real. And then it gives a number. I have on and off went on an eating binder and it feels awful after! I am sorry you are going through that.

  • loriehager
    loriehager Posts: 5 Member
    The book by Kathryn Hansen, Brain over Binge. This book really helped me get a grip on my bingeing, think it may have even cured it for me.
  • loriehager
    loriehager Posts: 5 Member
    ana3067 wrote: »
    I did it by not trying to "eat well." I just... you know, eat. Any food I like. So no foods are off limits. Because of this I actually on average eat the lower nutritious foods less frequently, or at least in smaller quantity. I haven't binged the entire 7 months I've logged.

  • loriehager
    loriehager Posts: 5 Member
    Great advice ana3067, this is the same way that I've been overcoming my bingeing as well.
  • juganaut wrote: »
    I'm stuck in a terrible cycle of eating really well for 4-5 days then BAM - a mindless zombified eating session that sets me back to the start.

    I would be grateful for any tips on how to make this stop!

    I don't restrict myself other than reducing my calorie intake. If I want a burrito, I go and build a burrito bowl instead. I make the rest of my day work around it. I also have opted to skip on eating breakfast other than coffee in the morning. I prefer to less frequently, but eat a larger amount during my meals.

    I still occasionally have my "just stay fat" days, but they are a lot less frequent because I'm not missing out on anything.

  • lynn1643
    lynn1643 Posts: 36 Member
    Try looking up Josie Mai on youtube or vm fitness. She has some great ideas about intuitive eating, balance, eating what you love in moderatiin and iifym. I also found a new blog called, "can you stay for dinner" that is helpful. Lots of people like the book "brain over binge" by katherine hansen too. Definately eating enough calories, nourishing your body, honoring cravings, and making healthy foods appealing are helpful. For me, managing stress and feelings are the tough part!
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    juganaut wrote: »
    To be honest, I do have some fairly low calorie days and I do workout 6 days a week. I assume there is also an emotional aspect to it as I have been fairly stressed out with irregular hours at work.

    I've already decided to quit my job in the next week or two - this will allow me total unemployed control of my daily routine and eating habits. It will also keep me away from the footlong subs.

    However, quitting my job does not stop me from visiting the fridge a dozen times at night. I might have to start embracing that feeling of hunger at nights and do intermittent fasting again.

    How low are your "fairly low calorie days" and what do you do for your workouts?