Too big to leave the house and exercise



  • rendash49221
    rendash49221 Posts: 39 Member
    My experience at the gym has been so much better than expected. I was afraid of what people thought of me; but have learned that what they think of me is actually the opposite of what I expected. I know, because some of them have come up to me and told me they are so happy to see me and to see my progress! They were noticing me, but in a good way. I've even had some of the guys give me 'props' for doing the really hard Daily Burn videos (my gym subscribes to it and they're a part of the fitness on demand feature).

    Yes, there are a couple of *kitten* there; but they keep to themselves. It seems no one likes them or wants anything to do with them. If you are respectful and friendly, then the others will reciprocate.
  • Lindsay_the_great
    Lindsay_the_great Posts: 209 Member
    There have been too many times that I have been out walking and someone has yelled things out their car window at me... "Why are you out walking when you should be in my bed?" "Whale" "Go home fatass." These are complete strangers yelling this stuff to me. It really hurts... So yes, this fear is alive and well in me. Fortunately, since we've moved to a better area, no one has said anything... but the fear is still there. I walk after dark now only.

    That is appalling. I'm sorry that's been your experience. It happened to me once too. It shook me for a while but now I wear my headphones and am oblivious. I had forgotten for moment it had ever happened.
  • Ms_LisaKay
    Ms_LisaKay Posts: 103 Member
    I have seen a few threads like this, and I have seen the following trend in answers: out walking etc, you are WAY more likely to get appalling comments / verbal assault from passersby than you will ever hear in a gym. I think this is because people in gyms -all- know it is WORK. Gym-goers seem to respect other people who are obviously doing the work of fitness. In the general population, at least from reading this board, you are being judged by people who have never done the work or aren't doing the work. I was nervous about the gym enviornment at first, but I have found the people there to be way too busy to do more than ask how many sets I have left on a particular machine. A few of the regulars started to notice & say -nice, positive- things to me after they had seen me there regularly for a couple of months. I was pleasantly surprised.
  • spacelump
    spacelump Posts: 233 Member
    I'm going to give you my perspective, which is that of a girl who has never truly been overweight. When I see women at the gym who are considerably larger than I or by standard definition obese, I admire them. I've never been over 175 lbs at 5'9" (even when pregnant). Maybe I'm just genetically fortunate to have always been of average or low weight. But man, do I feel utterly embarrassed trying to workout in front of others. I think they expect me to be super fit because of my frame or weight. I'm not. I struggle, hard some days. But then I see women come to the gym day after grueling day, certainly at around 300 lbs and they are pushing so hard. They likely feel the same humiliation I am, if not more? I'm not sure. But I never, ever look at a woman clearly working to improve her health and think "what a cow".

    No. I think "you're my inspiration this workout". If you can ignore looks or the nagging worries you have, then so must I. Not all people are as judgmental as we imagine them to be.
  • Sercee
    Sercee Posts: 36 Member
    I used to be feel ridiculous and terrified when I went to the gym. For a long time part of the reason I didn't make any progress was that I wouldn't go for this reason - "I don't belong there". But the entire purpose of a gym's existence is to provide a place for people to take care of their physical body. The feeling went away after I finally started going enough that I became a "regular" and felt confident that I knew the etiquette and how to use the equipment. The more you go the more you get to see how many other patrons are just like you, too. Even if you are the biggest person there, everyone is just trying to improve their lives.
  • I felt that way although I have no reason to be self conscious. (I'm not fat just skinny fat and my body shape is embarrassing). I told my trainer how I felt and you know what he told me?

    "The only thing that's embarrassing, are those people walking past this gym pretending they don't know us." :wink:
  • apple173
    apple173 Posts: 140 Member
    There have been too many times that I have been out walking and someone has yelled things out their car window at me... "Why are you out walking when you should be in my bed?" "Whale" "Go home fatass." These are complete strangers yelling this stuff to me. It really hurts... So yes, this fear is alive and well in me. Fortunately, since we've moved to a better area, no one has said anything... but the fear is still there. I walk after dark now only.

    WTF! Who the hell are these uneducated, insensitive shitheads? Im sorry you had to endure that. Stay strong. Karma is a *kitten*. Those people will get theirs.
  • arussell134
    arussell134 Posts: 463 Member
    Everyone starts somewhere!! My thought about everyone I see working out at the gym - awesome, way to go, for making a healthy choice today. That is, when I even think about anyone else! I'm usually focused on what it is *I'm* doing and tend to get tunnel vision. I suspect most others are this way too.

    Please don't let this hold you back!!
  • IllBeBack1Day
    IllBeBack1Day Posts: 982 Member
    Your own mind is your biggest judge! Change that into positive. And if others don't like what they see that s their problem. People will always judge you regardless of how look,hot or not ! :)
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    Honestly, when I see someone working out outside - anyone, regardless of the size, I feel like praising them. It makes being outside so much nicer when people are outside doing stuff.

    Unfortunately, I have read many posts on MFP of people sharing their horrifying experiences of when they go walking around their neighbourhood, some punk yells out their window as they drive by to make a nasty comment.

    There will always be punks in this world. You can not allow the fact that they *MIGHT* drive by while you are working out impact how you live your life. Yes it might happen, no the comment will not kill you.

    If it is causing severe anxiety, I would recommend finding a program to do at home. I would recommend finding a DVD set you love, so you can do it rain-or-shine and it is excuse proof. Lose some of the weight, get some confidence, and when you are ready - go out and show the world what you are made of.
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    Also - head phones. It wont hurt you, if you cant hear it.
  • lilmisscrabby
    lilmisscrabby Posts: 37 Member
    kitkat940 wrote: »
    Hello all,

    Do anyone else feel self conscious when out in public? Although I am well aware that most people are concerned with what's going on in their own lives I can't help but wonder if they look at me and think "what a cow". Same goes for the gym. I am there most days and am by far the biggest one there!

    My name is Kimberly and get it and this is why
    About 10 years ago I lost 80 pounds and let me tell you I gained friends , they all wanted to be around me , given me complaments , going as fare as saving wow you look like a module
    And I'm thinking wow isn't life fun and given me respect all things that make me feel good and I was pretty upset inside , thinking how shift it is how people treat you fat or thin
    But never said a word and now I can sat about 2 years after my weight loss , it all came back and like I'm twice the size I was before I lost , lost all friends , my life went down hill , and I just now joined a gym and have went once because I feel ever person is looking at me judging me , I want to go into the pool but afraid too , I do not go into stores or anywhere , my husband goes in for me , doctors I'm a reck I have an anxiety disorder now
    , I get horrible thoughts in my head about ending my life because of how if feel , because I'm so torchered inside but I would never do it because I believe I'd be punished in the after life .
    But anyways I'm trying to change how I feel and trying to just count my calories on this site , I have tried and then go over my limits and give up .
    So believe I understand how you feeling inside yourself , I hope you over come the feeling , and see things better or at least take a day at a time ,
  • FitOldMomma
    FitOldMomma Posts: 790 Member
    Nope. I can't control what others' think or say about me, so I don't worry about it.

    Seriously, most people spend their time thinking about themselves and their own troubles. I think this is a fact that a lot of self-conscious people don't realize.

    Of course there are some real jerks who live in the world with us and love to spout off their criticisms...but hey, they are jerks so who cares what they say? Lol.

    I swim for exercise-so, that means wearing a swimsuit. ;) Not a pretty sight, but I've never let it stop me.
  • Kitkat, Don't feel that way. You'll be surprised at how people are impressed seeing big people working out at the gym. People will look at you but they are all thinking different things. What they are thinking should not be your main focus. Completing your workout is more important.
  • kitkat940 wrote: »
    Hello all,

    Do anyone else feel self conscious when out in public? Although I am well aware that most people are concerned with what's going on in their own lives I can't help but wonder if they look at me and think "what a cow". Same goes for the gym. I am there most days and am by far the biggest one there!

    I wouldn't worry about what people think. When I'm at the gym and I see someone starting out and a little bit large, I'm just happy they've decided to get started and are at the gym with the rest of us. You need to start somewhere, just like all those slim people at the gym had to.
  • fatboyliz
    fatboyliz Posts: 515 Member
    Anyone judging someone while they exercise is a turd. Go you good thing!!!
  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,370 Member
    More likely they are thinking, "good for her for giving it a go."

    Exactly this.

    Summer time I used to see this fellow riding his bike when I was driving to and from work. I'd estimate he was easily in the 400 lb range. And I always thought, "Good for him for being more active!"

    Considering I was the one sitting comfy behind the wheel of a car and it took him way more effort than it would for me to cycle... who was the lazier one?

  • Jolinia
    Jolinia Posts: 846 Member
    dakotababy wrote: »
    Honestly, when I see someone working out outside - anyone, regardless of the size, I feel like praising them. It makes being outside so much nicer when people are outside doing stuff.

    Unfortunately, I have read many posts on MFP of people sharing their horrifying experiences of when they go walking around their neighbourhood, some punk yells out their window as they drive by to make a nasty comment.

    There will always be punks in this world. You can not allow the fact that they *MIGHT* drive by while you are working out impact how you live your life. Yes it might happen, no the comment will not kill you.

    If it is causing severe anxiety, I would recommend finding a program to do at home. I would recommend finding a DVD set you love, so you can do it rain-or-shine and it is excuse proof. Lose some of the weight, get some confidence, and when you are ready - go out and show the world what you are made of.

    I also feel like praising anyone who is working out, no matter their size.

    I also know that punks won't stop yelling out car windows when you lose weight. At least not if you are female. I don't consider it a compliment, either. It's startling and somewhat intimidating, and I suspect that is the intent in many cases. There are a lot of bullies in the world who are miserable people seeking company. Don't let them make you a prisoner in your house!