Anyone here new to cycling / bike-riding or want to try but afraid? I want to connect with you!

Hey y'all!

I've been a member of the MFP community for years, but have only really posted on the board occasionally. In my life, I've lost about 100lbs and riding a bike has been a primary component of my losing-weight/finding fitness journey.

I'm wondering if there are other people out there who want to ride, but aren't doing it for one reason or another. I'd love to connect with you - what scares you about riding a bike? What is appealing? Why haven't you tried it? What's going on? or NOT going on?

I want to hear your story!!! I want to connect with you!!

Let's chat here or email me at girleatsbike[at]gmail[dot]com


PS: I write about riding a bike and bike overnights at girleatsbike[dot]com - I invite you to check that out also, if you're feeling bike-curious! ;)
