Quitting Gym?

Right so my membership expired and i am not thinking of renewing . over the past few months i have noticed that on days i don't go to the gym i feel like a piece of crap and i eat like a pig inspite of the fact that i walk/ jog a good 90 95 minutes. I want to see if i can do this without going to the gym . I don't know this might be silly.. or i might be making a mistake?


  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    I don't go to the gym at all and I feel fine. You can work out anywhere you want. You might have to adjust furniture for certain routines, but there's nothing wrong with working out at home or wherever you feel comfortable. Unless you feel like the gym is the only place you CAN work out, which I don't believe in, personally. It's up to you. Try not going and see how you feel. You can always renew it later, right?...I assume?
  • Heidi1987
    Heidi1987 Posts: 191 Member
    I quit the gym a few months back and i have found that have made more of an effort to exercise. before, i would keep telling myself i would go tomorrow. but now i find that i will walk more, work out and home etc.
  • healthekate
    healthekate Posts: 22 Member
    I've done this without a gym membership. I prefer exercising at home and outside. You can do it! Saves some cash, too! :)
  • godroxmysox
    godroxmysox Posts: 1,491 Member
    having a membership gives me motivation to workout...it sounds silly, but to know that i'm paying for it makes me want to get my money's worth. but that's just me; if you can do it without, more power to you =)
  • jennro7781
    jennro7781 Posts: 208
    I love the energy the group workout area gives me. I like "feeding" off of everyone else's positive energy and I feel better for it. I am just one of those people that won't workout at home. There are always too many other things to do. But if I have to go to the gym, once I get there...there's nothing to do but workout! :)
  • Pril2000
    Pril2000 Posts: 254 Member
    My gym membership ended on March 1st. I have been able to lose the last pounds to reach my goal weight without a gym. I've started running outside, taking karate classes, learning to juggle, whatever keeps me active. Try something new. If you're walking as much as you say you are, then you shouldn't need a gym. I for one am much happier without a gym now. I feel like I go outside more and I don't feel like I'm "exercising just to burn those calories"... I feel like I'm exercising to have fun. I am finding things that I like to do instead of getting on an elliptical for 28 minutes and being bored to tears every day.

    Don't feel guilty. Be extra vigilant with your calories the first couple of weeks and try to find time to do new things that keep you active. After a while, you won't think twice about a gym membership. And you save loads of money in the process!
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I find that paying for a gym membership keeps me motivated. Nothing like spending money to force yourself to go. I've tried - in the past - to go it without the gym and I give up. I come up with excuses "I'll do it tomorrow" and well, tomorrow never comes. So, for me.. the gym is what motivates me to keep going on days when all I want to do is sleep.
  • kaitimae
    kaitimae Posts: 727 Member
    First - are you SURE that your membership expired? I belong to a gym that you have a contract for, and the contract WILL renew on it's own unless you give 30 days written notice that you do not want to renew.

    I know this because I just quit myself. Haha. If you don't think your membership is doing much for you - don't waste your money. When I first joined a year ago, I also started working out with a trainer - and I absolutely LOVE HER. I mostly went to the gym for my sessions with her, and would occaisionally go on my own. But now she is training out of her house, not the gym, and the membership just isn't worth the money to me. It is absolutely BEAUTIFUL where I live now, and any cardio that I want to do on my own - I can do in the park or around my neighborhood.

    It all depends if it is worth the money, at least in my opinion.
  • Libby81
    Libby81 Posts: 734 Member
    I love the energy the group workout area gives me. I like "feeding" off of everyone else's positive energy and I feel better for it. I am just one of those people that won't workout at home. There are always too many other things to do. But if I have to go to the gym, once I get there...there's nothing to do but workout! :)

    I am exactly the same, I find if I book in class sessions I go. If I say I'll go to the gym or work out at home I don't. The commintment of booking and paying is motivation for me
  • Kaybird84
    Kaybird84 Posts: 12
    I had a gym membership and hardly ever used it so I cancelled it when I moved and haven't joined another due to cash flow. I make sure I take walks on all my work breaks and I set exercise goals for myself. For example, since I'm just starting out my goal this week is to use the stairs everytime and everyday this week at work (office is on the 6th floor) and if I do then I'm buying myself a new cd to workout to. I'm also starting the C25K this week and once I finish I'll be rewarding myself by going on a 2 hr horseback ride. I'm also considering giving myself the challenge of working out for 30 mins everyday for 100 days, reward to be determined. I think it can be done as long as you're committed to doing it - and at least for me, setting these goals/rewards helps me stay focused.
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,954 Member
    I was a member of a gym once a loooooong time ago and only went all of three times (even though I had to keep paying for the stupid thing until the contract was up.) I discovered I am not a gym person! I work out at home mostly but I also do Taekwondo and I'm begging for a bike for my birthday. I much prefer working out pretty much everywhere but the gym! :) It's all in what you enjoy and what keeps you motivated though. If you find you miss the gym you could always rejoin.
  • taiyola
    taiyola Posts: 964 Member
    I prefer working out outside with my dog or at home, because I can't be bothered to walk my dog AND try and force myself to the gym. Plus I am short on money. I used to have a membership and would end up there once or twice a week, whereas now I exercise every day :)
  • silvafan
    silvafan Posts: 147
    You said that you have a hard time on the days you don't go to the gym, so maybe you should keep your membership. Everyone is different so you really have to figure out what is best for you. When does your membership expire? Take the time you have left and see how you do without going to the gym. See if you make yourself workout without it. If not then keep your membership.

    As far as not going to the gym you can always run around the block, on trails, at a park, etc, you can buy workout dvd's and get resistence bands at what not. I canceled our memberships when $$ got tight I got resistence bands, I got a treadmil from a friend & an exercise bike, also got playstation Move & zumba for ps3 for christmas, I didn't use any of it. My Husband signed me back up for 24hr fitness and I actually go to the gym now. I personally need the gym.
  • callipygianchronicle
    callipygianchronicle Posts: 811 Member
    Are you certain there isn't some sort of complacency setting in because you're getting close to your goal? You already mentioned that you are having trouble managing what you eat on non-gym days. And now you are considering taking away the gym, so managing your overeating will now become a struggle every day?

    Of course you do not have to use a gym in order to exercise. The majority of users in this site work out from home. I, personally, need the structure of a gym at this point in my journey. Investing money, having to get dressed and leave home, and not having the predictability that comes form playing the same DVD 100 times, makes exercise exciting and fun for me. But I am the exception.

    My point is, look at why you have had success so far, and stick with what is working for you. There's no reason to make a change just to change. Let need drive that change.
  • pinkgigi
    pinkgigi Posts: 693 Member
    I know that I need the gym for accountability. At my previous gym I was most consistent when I booked in for 6-weekly weigh and measures. I've now started at a new gym with circuit classes, and I know personally that part of the motivation is the contact with others, even if it is just being around other people, as I spend most of my time on my own. I also like the challenge of different classes to what I am used to, and getting out of my comfort zone.

    Are you just bored with your current gym, can you try another? If you are getting results on the days you go, why give up anyway? I think you need to have some reflection on what has worked in the past and whether it is still working for you or what can you change to get back on track.

  • jkestens63
    jkestens63 Posts: 1,164 Member
    Weekdays I go to the gym, weekends or snowy weather I use DVD's, outdoor activities (weather permitting). I like the group fitness classes at the gym because I like the inner competition I have with others(can I do it better than the person next to me). I like not having to travel on weekends. Have to do whatever gets you moving.
  • c2sky
    c2sky Posts: 487 Member
    I own a gym, so I may be biased, but I think you have been given some good advice here. I personally do 1/2 of my exercise outside. But strength training is such an important component of fitness. Yes, there is P90x etc., but that is not appropriate for everyone, and you don't get the proper feedback from a video.

    Also, think about this:

    The equipment at most gyms cost 10'x or more than what home equipment costs, and there is a difference in the quality, variety and smoothness.

    Of course, the group atmosphere can be very motivating.

    Talk to your gym, and tell them you need motivation, and you want no more contract. I don't even offer a contract at my gym. They do month to month, period, and it's super affordable. In this economy, gyms are struggling. They WILL make deals. You have the power, not them.

    If you know you won't do it without the membership, then continue the membership, but also try some things outside, get involved in a group, find a friend to do something with. Train for an event. Find an alternative that you can stick to on the days you don't go to the gym. Then if you quit, you have a replacement.

    BUT WHATEVER YOU DO, GET YOUR STRENGTH TRAINING, and make sure it is progressive and varied.
  • c2sky
    c2sky Posts: 487 Member
    Also, I am always amazed at how people say they can't afford a membership, but then they don't even think twice about shelling out the same amount of money for a fattening meal at a restaurant. My gym is right across a hall from a Chinese restaurant. I can't tell you how many people "waddle" out of there, come over to talk to our staff about joining, then say they really don't think they can afford $25 to $35 a month, when I know they just spent the same amount on dinner.

    For the variety you get, and possible motivation, classes, and feedback, you can't possibly afford to replace the gym. But if it's NOT motivating you, I suggest telling them that. Maybe they will give you a session with a trainer, introduce you to some motivational clinics, classes or other members that could help make things more effective and fun for you.
  • hewhoiscd
    hewhoiscd Posts: 1,029 Member
    I lost 40 pounds without a Gym membership. Used Wii Fit Plus for a month, then Wii Cardio Boxing for a month, then P90X for 5 months then a variety of cardio and P90X workouts for a month.

    However, now that I am at my goal weight, I joined a Gym :D Mostly for the classes they offer at the gym that is included in the membership. If I had to pay for each class I want to take, it would cost more than the gym membership does. It's a month by month deal, no annual contract.