Hi I am 45 and determined

I am truly tired of extra weight and high blood pressure and just feeling fat and yucky. I am going to lose 50 pounds and get healthy.
My Achilles heel is Dr Pepper and not enough water intake so any insight and tips will be greatly appreciated. Hi to all of you!!!


  • Hi! I am 44 and trying to lose weight too!
  • felicityangie
    felicityangie Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, I am 45 and determined as well. I would like to lose about 20 lbs. i love my diet Dr Pepper and hate to drink water. I just want to not feel miserable in my one piece because my husband says if I'm miserable then he and the kids are too. I'm finding out the older you get the harder it is to lose the weight. It's not fun getting older. Keeping up with my calories and carbs and walking on the treadmill for 30 minutes every other day is helping. I don't really have any tips for. Just thought it was kind of cool we were the same age and had few things in common.
  • teresaryan67
    teresaryan67 Posts: 71 Member
    Hi, I am 47 and on a weight loss journey too. Add me if you would like.
  • I'm 48 and just joined a gym. I'm in need of motivation. I'm sick of looking like I'm 7 months pregnant. I want to get off of my high blood pressure meds too and just want to feel better. Good luck to everyone!
  • 1234usmc
    1234usmc Posts: 196 Member
    47 here and tired of the yo yo
  • Hi, I'm 43 and also tired of not being comfortable in my own skin! I've been doing Keto for almost 3.5 months but have been too chicken to join in on community conversations!! Lol
  • Hi, I am a little over 50 and feel the same. I have been dieting my whole life and have never been successful. I am an emotional eater and am having a tough time. Really need some encouragement!
  • yossale3
    yossale3 Posts: 224 Member
    1234usmc wrote: »
    47 here and tired of the yo yo
    46 and very tired too.

  • Adc7225
    Adc7225 Posts: 1,318 Member
    I'm 46, started at 44 with the main focus on getting off high blood pressure meds. My doctor and I initially were working towards me getting down to 175 (from 244 @ 5'2"). That did the trick and my BP was good but I kept going and now I float from 147-150 down from a size 20/22 to 2/4. My focus was really on becoming active, I do workout but really walk a lot (daily goal of 13k steps per day). The changes in my eating were to eliminate only things I was willing to really give up and manage portion control on everything else. I prefer to cook my own meals and usually cook very simple meals usually protein and vegetables for lunch and dinner. Learning about portions us really the biggest thing, I believe being aware of portions help when you are not in full control of what you are eating. Find an activity that you like and do it, the best exercise is the exercise you will do!
  • keepmovinstrong
    keepmovinstrong Posts: 101 Member
    Hi I am 42 and I would love to cheer you on to health and wellness. Feel free to add me as a friend. I f you would like to kick start your weight loss feel free to join my 5 day clean eating challenge group in the new groups section. feel free to message me for more info.
  • labeastette
    labeastette Posts: 82 Member
    I'm 43 and have been on my fitness journey for 3 years now. Lost about 35 lbs. still more to do. Feel free to add me for extra motivation!
  • BamaMum
    BamaMum Posts: 15 Member
    44 here and I too am on here trying to lose weight and to lower my blood pressure. Stress eater as well is part of how I gained so much weight.
  • jrg42
    jrg42 Posts: 4 Member
    Glad to know I am not alone. Thanks.
  • jrg42
    jrg42 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi, I am a little over 50 and feel the same. I have been dieting my whole life and have never been successful. I am an emotional eater and am having a tough time. Really need some encouragement!
    Well maybe we can encourage each other. Also I have started drinking a glass of lemon water every morning and it does help with cravings and amount of calories consumed.

  • riffraff2112
    riffraff2112 Posts: 1,757 Member
    so this is where all the 40 somethings are. Add me my fellow fitness friends!